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Pairings: Quackity x Reader
Warnings: None
Pronouns: They/them


(Y/n) just got colder and colder as they trudged through the mud and fields to get to his house. They were sat waiting in the rain, eagerly waiting for their loved one's arrival. They had been sat in the pouring weather for what felt like hours, so imagine their extreme disappointment when it turned out that Quackity never even bothered to show up. And with a heavy heart, they knew that they had to make a turn to go home, but they had other plans. They felt torn between heartbroken, angry and upset with Quackity. (Y/n) and him had been leaving Pogtopia and Manburg just to see each other for the longest time, and all of a sudden he just stops turning up? What's up with that?

Should they be worried? Did something happen to him? Did he get hurt? These questions whizzed through their brain so violently that they could barely shake the thought of him being in pain. They loved him, did they not? Why else would they be having these thoughts if they didn't truly care about this man? They assumed the worst, but they couldn't help but get upset. Even though it was completely logical that he may have just felt ill or in pain that day, (Y/n) still felt angry that he had shown them up - especially in horrible weather like this. Besides, there had been times where they were in grave agony and they still went to meet up with him, so would it have hurt as much as it hurt (Y/n) to do the same?

When they got to his house after crossing the area in which the walls previously stood of Manburg, they gulped. The rain was still pouring and they could feel the small droplets of water drip down onto their shoulders and arms as they clutched themself tightly to use themself as a coat. They shivered and felt even colder. Their whole face had gone red in a freezing act, it was very probable that they were going to get hypothermia. Nevertheless, they travelled the distance to see him and wasn't just going to stop once they got there. They were fuelled by determination and the need to know what was going on with Quackity or else they wouldn't be able to sleep calmly at night.

"F-Fucking... Hell..." They muttered, teeth chattering as they winced and held their hand up to the wooden surface of the door. Their hand was incredibly shaky and they could see on the ends of their fingertips, their skin was practically glowing a bright pink colour. Yep, they were cold. They began knocking a few times, their arms twitching as they did so. Every hit felt like an inch closer to their whole arm just shattering due to being so frozen.

"Hang on, in coming!" That familiar voice yelled out from the other end of the door. (Y/n) could even faintly hear him rushing down the staircase and grabbing his keys to make his way towards the entrance of his house. The steps from inside the walls were audibly heard as the final jump down the stairs was the one that rang in (Y/n)'s head. The little jangle of his keys and inserting them into the lock caused their patience to tick.

The door knob in front of them began to rattle as Quackity fiddled with the handle to click it open and pull his keys through the lock of his door to shift it open. When he did so, he slowly opened up his door to peer through the side, trying to catch a glimpse of who was on the other side and gasped when he saw (Y/n).

"(Y/n)?" He squinted, looking astonished, staring blankly back at the unpleasant expression that was frozen onto their face.

(Y/n) was on the verge of tears, but he was unable to tell because of the rain that poured down their sides and face. The water already mixed in with their tears and their face was blushed enough. You wouldn't be able to tell if the blush was from the cold or from crying and the rain made it impossible to even make out the tears that were dropped down from their cheeks.

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