Sope : Here or not

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The smell of danishes and coffee hit Yoongi's nose when he walked into the known cafè. Oopsie Daisies, one of the most famous cafè shops that is rising up against Starbucks. Yoongi, who is currently sitting on the comfy seats of the cafè is enjoying the scenery and delicious smell of the shop. That is not the only thing he is enjoying though, across the cafè is a pastel wearing boy. The boy looked perfect the way the sun hits his tan skin. His pink curls flowing a tad bit and the way he scrunch his nose in a cute way.

Yoongi got up walking towards the boy in the booth, but he was hesitant. He decided to just go along and try to be friends with him.

"H-hello." Yoongi greeted with a stutter.

The boy turned his head slightly. "Hi." The pastel beauty greeted back.

"Do you need anything?" He said in a soft voice.

"Uhh, I've been admiring you from the booth across the cafè. I hope this doesn't sound weird I just think you are very pretty." Yoongi shyly rubbed the back of his neck.

"Um, no, It's ok. I think that's really cute and thank you."

Yoongi sat down across the table from the boy and asked. "What's your name? If you don't mind me asking."

"My name is Jung Hoseok." Hoseok answered smiling.

"That's a very pretty name, my name is Min Yoongi."

"Do you perhaps want to be friends, Yoongi hyung."

"Hyung? Am I older than you?" Yoongi had a guess that he would be older than Hoseok going off from his physical appearance.

"I'm 26. You?"

"27, I am your hyung."


"What were you doing before I interrupted you?" Yoongi asked the keep the conversation going.

"Just studying English. I want to become more fluent in the language." Hoseok said in English to test himself.

"Woah, you sounded like the native speaker."

"Really? I've been practicing so hard." Hoseok beamed.

"Yeah, just practice more and you will be fluent in no tim-"

Hoseok's cell phone rung which interrupted Yoongi's speech.

"Sorry, I got to take this."

"No worries." Yoongi smiled giving a signal that he understand.

The call ended and Hoseok had a pout on his lips. "What's with the pout?" Yoongi chuckled, he found the pout extremely adorable. "I have to go, emergency calls." Hoseok lips formed a straight line. "That's fine, I totally understand. Let's meet up here again next time." Yoongi was hoping the pink haired boy would agree. "Of course!" With that Hoseok left the cafè his scent was still lingering in the air.

Day 2

Yoongi arrived at the cafè in the afternoon checking if he'll see the pastel beauty again. He peeped around the cafè to multiple times, but didn't see Hoseok. Yoongi was about to leave the cafè until he smelled a certain scent draft in the air.

"Yoongi hyung, I'm here." Hoseok sat in the booth where Yoongi was sitting.

"I was about to leave, I didn't know you'll actually come."

"Why wouldn't I? You seem like a nice person to be around."

"I can say that about you too."

"Hi guys, the same as always?" The waiter knew that the two boys were loyal customers of the cafè.

𝙎𝙤𝙥𝙚 𝙊𝙣𝙚𝙨𝙝𝙤𝙩𝙨Where stories live. Discover now