Sope : Stuck in an elevator

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Wednesday was a hectic and stressful day for Min Yoongi. He had returned home from his job at the famous hotel a couple of block away from him. Yoongi stumbled across the elevators and stairs. He knew that he was too exhausted to walk up 5 flights of stairs. Yoongi's final decision was to take the elevator to his condominium, but there was one problem. The elevator was having difficulties functioning correctly and this made Yoongi agitated. Yoongi pressed the elevator button multiple times and yet the elevator didn't open.

"Fucking hell, man. Why is this elevator so fucking slow?" Yoongi groaned.

While Yoongi was ranting away a younger male with brown, curly locks known as Hoseok approached the elevator.

"Are you alright?" Hoseok shyly asked.

Yoongi side eyed the male. "Does it look like I'm 'alright'? Look, I had a shitty day and I don't feel like being bothered, okay."

"I was just asking, geez."

There was total silence until the elevator opened.

"Fucking finally, I've been waiting here for the longest." Yoongi said and rushed inside the elevator with Hoseok following behind him.

The elevator shaft began moving up different floors. Once the shaft hit 4, a weird noise was created and the elevator stopped completely. This obviously startled the two males.

"What the fuck was that?" Hoseok questioned as his heart rate quickened.

"No, no, nooo! You got to be shitting me?" Yoongi groaned.

"A-are we stuck?"

"Nah, the shaft is just taking a break... yes, we are stuck!" Yoongi says sarcastically.

Hoseok's heart was pounding against his chest and his breathing quickened. Yoongi didn't notice Hoseok's panic until he was shaking and fell.

"Holy shit! Are you okay?!" Yoongi ran over towards the crying male.

Hoseok tried to form words, but he was hyperventilating. Yoongi really didn't know what to do, but he remembered a tiktok video from his fyp. He held Hoseok into his arms and took steady breath's.

"Hey, hey, copy my breathing. One breathe in, two breathe out, three breathe in, four breathe out."

They continued this breathing exercise until they reached 30. Hoseok calmed down, but tears was still rolling down his plush cheeks. Without thinking, hoseok stuck his head in Yoongi's neck surprising him.

"Oh um..."

"S-sorry, I didn't mean to do that." Hoseok quickly got off the male.

"You can come rest in my arms if you want while we wait for the fire department."

"Yes, please." The cute male crawled into Yoongi's arms.

"Maybe after this, we can go to my place and eat pizza."

Hoseok smiled. "I would love that."

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