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A/N: happy holidays! these next few chapters are gonna be holiday centered and imma try my best to get the winter vibes in lol. hope you're enjoying it so far <3 oh also this chapter is heavily based around a tiktok I saw of bokuto that had me in tears so enjoy lol

"Right well I'm gonna go get something to eat." I didn't want him to follow me. Even if he didn't hate my laugh, as I did, I still severely disliked him. He was loud, and overly happy for no reason. The opposite of my lifestyle and not someone I wanted to be around.

"And you don't want me bothering you, right?" He asked me.

"Spot on."

"Okay, I'll follow you then."

"That's really unnecessary."

"Well your base is a different set up than my old one and I dunno where anything is yet."

"There's literally signs at every corner."

"I don't feel like reading." Not looking to bicker with him anymore, I just sighed and accepted my fate.

In the canteen we both got our food and sat in the same spot as dinner the previous night.

"You wanna see my special skill?!" He asked me with a mischievous smile.

"Uhh.. do I?"

"Yeah, you do."

"Okay then..." I was a bit worried.

The owl pulled his shirt down to reveal the left side of his neck and collar bone.
"What are you doing?!" My eyes darted around the canteen, embarrassed, hoping no one would see what he was doing.

He flexed it, creating a divot at the base of his neck and proceeded put a couple pieces of the multicolored cereal in the crater that had been formed. He then went on to add a splash of milk.

"Cool right?!"

"How the hell did you figure out you could do that-"

"Wait, wait, watch this."

He carefully grabbed his spoon and put it in the divot, picking up the few cereal bits and a majority of the milk before eating it. I didn't know whether to be impressed or grossed out. He finished by slurping what milk was left over.

"That's disgusting." I said.

"Yeah but also impressive right?!"

"No." He didn't seem fazed by my comment and continued to eat as normal.

"Well isn't there something you can do that's weird like that?" He asked me after a couple more spoonfuls of his bowl.

"Not that I'm aware of."

"Aw cmon, there's gotta be something?"

I knew he'd keep pestering me, so I figured I'd get it over and done with.

"I can make a water drop sound with my mouth."

I demonstrated it.
"There. Happy?"


"Good morning lovebirds." Tendou came over, still in sleep-ware and with a severe case of dark circles.

"Don't call us that." I told him. He winked and yawned before taking a seat.

"Cereal again?" He looked down at the bowl in vague disgust.

"It's cheap." I responded, raising my bowl up to drink the left over milk.

"It tastes like cardboard is what it is." Tendou begrudgingly picked up the spoon measured precisely to the right of the bowl.

"You know what cardboard tastes like?!" The owl asked.

"Wha- no, I just imagine that's what it tastes like."

The three of us sat and ate for a bit before someone else joined.


Tendou shot milk out of his nose and followed it with a scream. A majority of the increasingly full canteen looked at us. Tendou slapped his mouth shut.

"Can I sit?"

It was the titan. He looked at the owl for an answer.
"Oh yeah sure! Guys this is-"

"We know who that is!" Tendou replied still coughing, slightly choking, and his face turning the color of his hair.

The spoon looked tiny in his hand as he ate. Bewildered, both Tendou and I looked at him then one another.

"Sooo... Titan, what are you?"


"No I- like, job wise." Tendou attempted at conversation.

"I use an assault riffle and work on the ground."

"Ah, I see. Well I'm in arson, my friend here is a sniper and I'm sure you know about Bokuto."

"I knew about all of you already. Bokuto told me. Would you like to go train with me?" The titan asked Tendou.

"I- haha, uhm y- mhm, yes. Sure." There was a look of sheer panic on Tendou's face when the titan asked him that.

"You can call me Ushijima, I don't care."
Tendou's pupils dilated and he looked a bit stunned.
"Oh, okay." He laughed nervously yet again.

They headed off, and as I had also finished, I started to get up.

"Do you want to do something later?" The owl asked.

"What would I want to do with you?"

"Play some volleyball or something?"

I thought for a moment, as I did like volleyball, but when the fact that it would be with the owl came about, that decided the answer for me.

"No thank you. I have to do some things on my own."

It was almost as though his spiked hair drooped when I said that, as did his expression. I left and returned to my room.

I spent the rest of the day mind- numbingly passing the time with activities such as reading. I also tried my hand at origami and managed a crane before wanting to crumple all the paper to ever exist.

The next few days I spent alone or with Tendou. I didn't see much of the owl and assumed he had either taken the hint or the titan had eaten him. Either of which were fine by me.

On Christmas Day, I awoke to the smell of singed hair and saw Tendou with a slit out of his right eyebrow and missing a few eyelashes. He claimed it was on purpose but I knew otherwise.

I stretched and saw I'd slept in. When I got off the top bunk I went to grab some PT clothes to go work out in, but on my way over to the shared desk, I noticed a small package wrapped in a shiny dark blue and gold wrapping.

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