Mission 1

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Couple of things:
1. I know I mentioned this in the description, but this chapter will include violence, guns, and language, so if that isn't something you'd like to read then I'll put a small summary at the bottom. However,  for the rest of the fic there'll be more like this so you may want to consider dropping the read all together. Though honestly it won't be any worse than most movies lol I just figured I'd let y'all know. 
2. Yet again, I'm not sure who the lovely artist responsible for that art above is.. if you know please tell me!!
3. Sorry this was so long, <3 hope you enjoy!

I stood in front of the full length mirror by the bathroom, making sure my full uniform was in order. All I needed were my boots.

"Ooo hey sexy!"
Tendou came in and blew me a kiss.

"Oh please fuck off." I told him, adjusting my gig-line.

He flopped on the bottom bunk as I finished putting on my boots.
"So have you and Bokuto kissed yet or what?"
I nearly choked.

"Could ask the same about you and the titan." I glanced up at him, continuing to lace up the ankle high shoes.

"To answer your question, yes we have. New Years."

"Well to answer your question, yes we also have. On New Years too."

I wiped some of the dirt from the black leathered toe of my shoe.
"Wait really?!" He stared in disbelief.

"Yes, is it so hard to believe?" I asked him.

"Uhm, yes actually. It is. Congrats though!" He smacked my back.
"I gotta take a piss, good luck on the job." With that he closed the door and I headed out too.

Bokuto and I had arranged to meet by the front gate and he was awaiting me there, his gun pointed up by his shoulder. It was the first time I'd seen him in a work uniform, and though it was near identical to mine, he looked really good. However I kept that to myself.

"Ready?" He asked me with a smile.

"Are you?" I smiled back.

"Of course, Ki Chou."

We took a black car, one of the vehicles used for farther away jobs, and driven by a cadet in training so they get to know the surrounding area outside the base.

I looked out the window almost the whole time, glancing over periodically to see Bokuto doing the same thing. It had been ages since I'd had a job in the stone walls so the scenery was a welcome change of pace on the drive.

The cadet driving was scrawny and looked quite nervous, as though this was one of his first jobs. Definitely an underdog. Still, he was a fine driver and made no attempt at conversation. Which was highly appreciated by me.

The drive took about an hour and a quarter.

We hopped out the car and thanked the cadet. He said he'd wait for us in that spot for 2 hours before driving back and alerting the base in case something went wrong. We agreed and headed inside the walls.

It was quiet as we squatted quite low to the ground,  moving fast, and alert at all times.

The stone walls were famously known for a battle over 50 years ago, and now act as a cheap place to live. Many large families live there and still work to rebuild the formerly collapsed and broken walls.

Bokuto stuck close as we moved around the scattered buildings and shops.

"There." I said, pointing next to a two story house.

"Is that her?" He asked, looking through the sites of his rifle.

"Yes. She fits all the criteria."

"Akaashi..." Bokuto moved the gun down and to the left slightly.
"She's got a child."

"What?" I looked through my magnified scope to see a shorter blonde headed girl holding her mothers hand.

"Fuck..."I muttered under my breath. Kids always made jobs harder. Still, I refused to fail.

I steadied my breath, moving a finger to the trigger.

"Akaashi... what are you doing?!" Bokuto whisper-yelled, pushing the gun down.

"I'm doing my job." I looked at up him to see a face of slight fear.

"But shes got a daughter." He continued to whisper.

"She's a target, Bokuto."

"Well I can't do this." I guess that's where we separated.

"I'll do it. You run further up to take care of the kid afterwards." He stared at me before following what I'd told him to do.

When the owl was a fair distance away from me, yet in proximity to the girl and her mother, I raised the gun up again.

I held my breath and pulled the trigger. The woman fell and the child screamed.

Bokuto gave it a second and put his gun up before running over to the crying girl and swooped her up. He smothered her mouth, sprinting away from the scene.
She wrapped her legs around his waist and arms around his neck as he ran back towards me. When I saw the hand signal to alert me the coast was clear, I began to run alongside him. We ran all the way back to the entrance of the walls and veered behind an old, rundown building.

Bokuto let the girl down, out of breath. She was still screaming and crying.
"Hey hey!" Bokuto said, catching his breath. He rubbed her shoulders, "it's okay, just take a deep breath."

I watched for a second before joining in the attempt to calm her. I rummaged around my uniform until I found the big pocket under my handguns holster. I opened it and pulled out the small plush owl Bokuto had gifted me. I'd decided to carry it on jobs with me for good luck.

"Hey, do you have a name?" I asked, attempting a calm voice.

She continued to wail. I shushed her in an attempt to not draw any suspicion. "Look, look." I handed her the owl, "You're alright. It's okay, just breath and tell us your name."

It was a lost cause. She dropped the owl to the ground beside her. I looked at Bokuto who was just as clueless as me when it came to helping kids, or so it seemed.

I checked the time and we still had well over an hour.
By protocol, you bring in any children of targets to the base where they're assessed to possibly become an elite or shipped off to a nearby orphanage if no other family members exist.

Bokuto took action once again, grabbing the girl and placing her in his lap. He rocked them back and forth, shushing her and stroking her long, blonde hair. 

The little girl seemed to choke on her tears and coughed, still not calming in the slightest.
Bokuto wrapped his large arms around her in a tight hug and hummed a soft tune.

I couldn't help but notice how much having a kid fit him. In other circumstances I would have smiled and relished how cute the scene was.
Though in this case, with dirt covering the girls skirt and tears leaving trails where they'd cut through the layer of grime on her face, it was hard to find the situation sweet.

Bokuto continued to console and comfort her and finally, after what seemed like an ear piercing eternity, her fit of crying started to subside.
He looked up at me with a face of relief, holding the girl in his arms as he stood and she drifted off to sleep.

We walked much slower back to the cab, in an attempt not to wake her until arriving back at the base. We managed to get her into the car, and she slept in Bokuto's lap, the seatbelt over the both of them for the duration of the drive back.
Someway somehow, the both of us, and driver after an explanation, had succeeded in successfully keeping her asleep until arriving at the base.

Mission accomplished.

Summary: Bokuto and Akaashi go on their first joint mission. It isn't easy but in the end they do succeed.

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