Snow day

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I awoke early as usual, despite the late night and drew the curtain, receiving a hiss from Tendou as he shoved the pillow over his head and blankets further up on his small frame.

It had snowed. And quite a bit too. A solid foot of snow overnight and the first large sheet we'd had all winter.

I loved the snow. All the activities and way everything looked like it had gone to sleep under the frozen blanket was one of my favorite things in the whole world.

That morning, few people were out and about on the base. Most likely tired and hungover from the party the previous night.

I found myself looking for Bokuto at breakfast but never managed to lock onto him. I found myself looking for him again at the training facility. Then again in the showers. I went about my morning quickly as to enjoy as much snow as possible before it began to melt.

Why was I so bothered? I wondered as I continued to look and think about him.
I'd just talk to him whenever. With that thought finally settled, I decided it was time to go out to the snow.

I put on some dark grey gloves, a long lighter shade of grey coat, and striped black scarf.

The comforting crunch of snow beneath my boots and crisp air in my lungs brought great joy. I laughed to myself, the air escaping into a cloud of visible vapor as I extended both arms and fell backwards. I trusted the ground to cushion my fall and it did. I closed my eyes and began to move my arms and legs, digging my head further into the snow to ensure a well done snow-angel.

Satisfied with my movements I carefully stood up and brushed myself off before admiring my work.

"AGAAASHII!!" The familiar noise broke the calm atmosphere. I turned to see the owl holding a cup carrier and paper bag.


"Morning." I replied, putting my hands into the large coat pockets.

"Oya! Nice angel!" Bokuto pointed to my snow creation.

"Thank you. What do you have?" I gestured a finger to the paper bag and cardboard carrier.

"Oh! I got you breakfast! Well and me something too!" He smiled. His nose and cheeks were a light pink from the cold. Not having the heart to tell him I'd already ate, I thanked him for the gesture.

"Yeah! I figured I should make up for not telling you that I knew you before."

I didn't know how to respond.

"C'mon!" He took his free hand and used it to grab ahold of my wrist. I didn't escape him this time. He lead me to one of the nearby benches and sat me down by the shoulder.

"Okay I got you a hot cocoa and meat bun. I didn't know if you liked coffee or not, or if you ate meat, but I figured it was worth a shot anyway."

He pushed the to-go cup and small baggie in front of me.

"I love both of those things, thank you." I replied, attempting to sound as grateful as I really was.

He took a seat next to me and unwrapped his steaming bun.

Just as he was about to take a bite, his phone rang.
"Dang it." He said, most likely annoyed that his bun would be getting cold.

"Oya! What's up?" I wondered who he was talking to as I began to eat my meat bun.

"Oh, really? Hm, okay. I think they allow visitors around the holidays. Go to the front desk when you arrive. My room is 223 if I can't be there to greet you. Ok... yeah, yeah...see you then. Okay, Bye!"

𝚊 𝚢𝚎𝚕𝚕𝚘𝚠 𝚋𝚞𝚝𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚏𝚕𝚢 ~ 𝚋𝚘𝚔𝚞𝚊𝚔𝚊Where stories live. Discover now