Jeyna - I'm sorry

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Spoiler alert: set after Heroes of Olympus
A fire crackled in Reyna's office and filled the room in a warm, orange glow. She sat at her desk, her nose deep in today's reports. Papers were scattered all over the surface, and folders piled in columns around her. Her braid was messy. She's been tied to her desk for a few hours now. While Jason was missing, she led the camp by herself, working for two. But she couldn't blame Jason for getting kidnapped by a goddess. And during the war against Gaia, she hardly got around to it.

Her dogs, Aurum and Argentum, curled beside her. Aurum snored gently. Argentum pricked up his ears when someone entered the room.

"Hey," a familiar voice greeted her hoarsely. Rayna took a deep breath, collecting herself. Then she rose from her chair and turned to him. Sky blue eyes piercing back at her. His blond hair had grown out, leaving his straight posture the last remaining roman attribute about him. He'd become more muscular since the last time she saw him.
"Jason, "she said cold and restrained. "I thought you were at Camp Half-Blood." 'with Piper,' Reyna added in her thoughts but knew better than to speak that out loud. Her dogs greeted Jason happily. Jason kneeled to cuddle them.
"Hey, you two. Have you been good boys? Of course, you have!"
Reyna called them back, and they trotted to her sides, Aurum to her left, Argentum to her right. Jason flashed her a grin, but it didn't reach his eyes. He looked sadder than usual. Reyna wondered and involuntarily hoped that maybe...just maybe... Piper broke up with him, and he came back.

"What are you doing here?" she inquired to know. There was a sharp edge to her voice. She tried to keep her expression composed, but her eyes glistening with her aching pain as his eyes met with hers.
"I came to collect a few things and...", he paused, his voice became softer, "and I wanted to talk to you."
Reyna shifted in surprise. Jason made a move forward, but she stepped back instantly, gripping the corner of the desk behind her. Jason stayed where he was. Slowly Reyna let go.

"I'm sorry.", he then blurted out.
"For what?" she asked, her heart pumping fast in her chest. Jason scratched his neck. He didn't notice how his arm flexed and emphasized how muscular he was. But Reyna did. She swallowed and looked away.
"For turning my back on you. We've known each other for so long, and I value our friendship so much, but I've failed you. I led you on and made you believe in a future that I didn't plan on following. I should have been more sensitive when I asked to show Piper around. That wasn't fair of me, and I am sorry. You're an amazing person, and you don't deserve that."

"It's okay.", she replied, leaving Jason a little stunned. His brow creased, and he looked at her with concern.
"It's okay?"
Reyna nodded. Her lips quivered for a brief second, but she quickly pressed them together.
"I knew that you didn't feel the same way, and I moved on." Jason faltered. Reyna crossed her arms before her chest. She wanted to remain collected, but she held onto herself as if it was the only thing keeping her standing right now.

"Even through everything; Percy remembered Annabeth.", Reyna stated, a slight hurt hanging in her voice. It said everything to Jason that he needed to know. If even a fragment of her were as important to him as Annabeth was to Percy, then he would have remembered her, too. Jason moved his mouth as if he was about to say something, but no sound escaped his lips. Silence hung in the air, filling the distance between them.

"Are you happy?" Reyna asked eventually, "Over there." What she meant to say was 'with her.' Jason seemed to understand. He nodded, a slight smile escaped his lips and for the first time since he entered her office, it reached his eyes.
"It's different. And it's a nice change not to be in charge of an entire camp for once.", he joked and sneaked a chuckle from Reyna. She glanced at the pile of work behind her.

"Want me to help you sort this out?" he asked, pointing at the folders. Reyna shook her head. She didn't want him closer any longer. It tugged on her. She didn't know how much longer she could keep up her act.
"No, Frank will help me."
Jason nodded, understanding. His eyes wandered over Reyna in a way that made her legs feel weak. Reyna couldn't stand how much power such small gestures still had over her.
"Shouldn't you go back? I'm sure she misses you.", slipped out of Reyna's mouth. Her face filled with heat as she realized her mistake. If Jason noticed it, he didn't let it show. He nodded in agreement slowly.
"Yeah, I think that would be best.", he mumbled and turned away. Reyna stood frozen on her spot as he stopped in the doorway.

"Are we...we are still friends, right?", he asked hesitantly, worry flickered in his eyes. Reyna felt a sharp pain pierce through her heart. She hated it that he doubted it. They've been through too much together to stop caring. Reyna gave him a reassuring smile that brightened the room.
"That will never change." Jason breathed out in relief. Then he said his goodbye. 

Reyna watched him leave with a wistful look in her eyes. She wiped away a tear and returned to her work.



Reyna is one of my favourite Characters, and she legitimately deserves the world.

Urgh, I have waited so long for Jason to step up and apologize for how he played Reyna, but it never happened, so I wrote how I imagined how it should have been, in my opinion. 

Do you ship Jeyna or Jiper?

I ship Jayna more because Jason's relationship with Piper is based on fake memories and that's messed up. 

I hope you liked this Oneshot, and if, so I'd make me very happy if you leave a comment or give this a vote. 

Jojo, xx 

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