Percabeth - New Beginnings

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Percy carried the last two boxes in Annabeth's dorm room. Today was moving in day. In a few days, they would start their first semester at New Rome University.
Percy stumbled through the room. The boxes were dancing for balance. But Percy's vision was blocked. He didn't see where he was going too. He didn't notice he was crashing into Annabeth. The upper box slid down.

"Careful!" Annabeth warned him, and in the last second, she grabbed the box before it could crush the model temple Annabeth had built for her introduction seminar. Then she placed the box cautiously next to her new bed.
"Why do you need so many books anyway?" Percy inquired and put the last box down. Annabeth moved her model on the desk for safety.
"Many? These are not many."
Percy raised his eyebrows. He pointed at the three boxes full of books and the few ones that were scattered over her bed.
"I might not be good at math. But I know it's a lot when I see a lot." He walked over to his girlfriend and placed his hands on her hips. She wrapped her arms around his neck and grinned.
"The first step to the path of improvement is admitting that you got an addiction. It's okay. I'm your boyfriend and I support you.", he said earnestly, but a cheeky look glimmered in his green eyes. Annabeth leaned closer, their noses touching.

"You're not my boyfriend. You're my seaweed brain."
"Same thing, isn't it, wise girl?" Percy teased, and Annabeth placed a soft kiss on his lips. They parted, and Annabeth instigated Percy to help him sort her books on the shelf.
"Have you met your roommate yet?" she asked.
Percy nodded.
"Yeah, Zander. He's a son of Mars. The last time I saw him, he was already setting up booby traps to stop people from stealing his giant amount of Mars bar. I don't know if he absolutely hates his father or if he loves him so much he would just love to eat him."
"And I suppose, with people you don't mean yourself?" Annabeth questioned, knowing the answer. Percy scoffed, acting offended.

"I would never.", he defended himself, then shrugged. "It's not blue."
Annabeth glanced at his side profile. He smirked. Percy couldn't keep his act up any longer - if he even ever kept his act up from the start. In a quick, swift move, he held up two chocolate bars.
"You're unbelievable. You shouldn't steal from your roommate.", she said, laughing and accepted the Mars bar.
"What? I thought I'd need provisions." he defended himself. Annabeth bit her lower lip, fighting against a smile. Percy chuckled. He knew that she tried to be mad at him but couldn't.
"Yes, because the way from my dorm to yours is so far."
Percy shrugged. "You never know."

Annabeth opened a new box and grabbed a handful of books. Percy emulated her. He looked through the titles. Most of them were about architecture, building material, and some philosophy books of the greatest poets from ancient Greek and Rome. It all seemed incredibly dry to Percy. He knew the second he'd open one of those books; he'd be overtaken by sleep. Sometimes when he struggled to fall asleep, he'd take his Algebra book, looked at the first question, and he'd passed out. Worked like a charm every time!
However, it was Annabeth's passion, and he loved listening to her when she spoke about a detail of a building that excited her. She didn't notice how her face lit up, and a fire burned in her eyes. Carefully he placed her precious books on the shelf.

"So what's Zander studying? Ancient military education?" Annabeth wanted to know.
"American Poetry." Percy shrugs casually.

They unpacked until late in the afternoon. The dorm room wasn't done yet. Annabeth still had to decorate the room, but the most important things were up. A photo of Percy and her last summer in Camp Half-Blood stood on her nightstand. Or the picture of Luke, Thalia, and Annabeth that hung on the wall next to her desk. It was taken shortly after they arrived at Camp for the first time. Percy still felt a knot of queasiness rise in his stomach when he looked at Luke's photograph. His smile was carefree and happy. That was before he turned evil. Although Annabeth didn't admit it, Percy knew how much his betrayal was still hurting her, but her love for him was equally as big. He was like a big brother to her. You can't erase family like that out of your heart.

A few books didn't fit onto Annabeth's shelf, so Percy offered her to use the space in his room. He figured he wouldn't need as many books anyway. They needed to wrap up soon because he had promised they'd call Sally. If they didn't do that soon, his mother had already threatened him to stop sending her delicious blue chocolate chip cookies. There was no way Percy could allow that. Besides, Percy had booked a table at a small restaurant at the forum to celebrate their new beginning, and he couldn't wait.

Annabeth looked through the room, her hands were set on her hips.
"I can't believe we're finally here! We're really doing this!" she squealed excitedly. Percy wrapped his arms around her from behind. Annabeth leaned against his chest and relaxed.
Percy's smile faded. His whole body tensed as he was hit with a somber realization.
"I can't believe we've made it here."

Annabeth's face turned gloomy. Percy knew she was thinking about the same things; their adventures, the friends they've lost in battle - they were lucky to have made it this far.
Annabeth cupped his face in her hands and kissed him gently. It was just a small kiss, but it meant so much more. All their pain, all their hope, and gratitude were placed in this little kiss.

"If even one of the gods just as much breaths our names to send us on their quest, we'll just slam the door in their face, okay? There are younger demigods to do that now because we." she lowered her voice. Annabeth kissed him again, her thumb gently stroking over the small hairs on the back of his neck. One small gesture and Percy's body filled with warmth.
"Because we got a future to plan."




I hope you liked it. Feel free to leave a comment and tell me what you think or give this one-shot a little vote. 

Jojo, xx

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