Jeyna AU - GRL PWR

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A/N: An Au set in ancient Rome with a little bit of action and fluff.

Jason Grace Caesar wielded his sword as if it was an extension of his arm. With ease, he moved through the arena. Focused eyes studied his opponent, waiting for his next move. He struck forward, leaving his right side open. Jason used the opportunity to shift his weight and hit the hilt in his opponent's face. He stumbled backward and landed on the ground. Jason stepped closer, his shadow falling over the defeated soldier. The Emporer pointed his sword at his opponent's chest.

A slow clap sounded through the arena. Jason turned to see a familiar face. She walked over in with confidence and elegance that only a noble possessed. The hem of her stola swayed gently with every step. Her glossy black hair was intricately braided, with a few locks hanging over her shoulders. Her beauty was mesmerizing.

"Reyna! What a pleasant sight.", she offered him her hand, and he kissed it gently. "Beautiful as always."
Reyna stayed unfazed by his comment.
"Oh, please, stop the flattering. I watched you fight."
"Then you must have seen my great victory."
Reyna chuckled about his arrogance. Her dark eyes met with his sky blue ones, looking unimposed. Heat spread through Jason's body. He had been courting Reyna for a while now. But Reyna challenged him every day. And that intrigued him.
"Your left side is weak and your ego makes you careless.", she stated, rattling Jason. He quickly composed himself and stepped closer to her. "And you can do better?" he challenged her. Reyna stepped closer. Only inches separating their faces. Jason could feel her warm breath against his skin.
"Want to find out?" Jason grinned, but Reyna's face was hard and serious.
"Fight me then.", she challenged. "Or are you too exhausted?"
Jason pulled away. He couldn't help himself and burst out in laughter. That was the most ridiculous thing he had ever heard.

"You are hilarious.", he said between some laughter. But Reyna wasn't laughing. Her jaw tensed, a cold expression covered her face. Jason bent over laughing.
"Women-", he could barely finish his sentence", fighting." He looked over to the defeated soldier on the ground, who awkwardly chuckled along. Reyna's face went hard. Patiently she waited for Jason to calm down. Her hands were laced together, resting in front of her stomach. She terminated an ice-cold elegance. But when Jason noticed the storm raging in her dark eyes, he winced and quickly became quiet.
"This is not over. You will regret not taking me serious.", she hissed sharply. Then she turned at her heels and left Jason behind. A knot formed in his stomach. Maybe he had gone a little too far this time.


Almost 50,000 people filled the rows of the Colosseum, roaring in excitement. Jason paced up and down, behind the big loge, hidden from the public eye. There was nothing regal about the way his shoulders slumped and his brow creased in worry. Reyna had avoided him for the last two weeks. He had tried to make it up and invited her to sit next to her side at today's Gladiator fight. But as expected, she did not reply. She didn't even send a maid to decline his offer. Jason didn't know if he should be mad or worried. He needed to prove to Reyna that he was sorry.

The first bout was about to begin, the crowd became unsettled. It was time. He entered the loge and the public got wild, Fanfares sounded, and colored sand exploded like special effects. He lifted his hand, a sign of respect and acknowledgment of his subjects.

Two gladiators entered the arena. The first one was Flavius Lucius, a Thraex- a sword fighter with a big, rounded shield and arm armor that protected him up to his neck. The other one, Remus Maximus, was a little bit smaller and thinner than his opponent. He wore the armor of a Murmillo- fighter, covering his face and his chest armor looked slightly too big. Apparently, Remus had his first fight today. Jason snickered. That poor guy wouldn't even stand the first bout. One glance at the crowd and he knew they felt similarly. Coins clicked together, and noise spread through the rows as the people placed their last bets. After the traditional greeting, the gladiators went onto their position.

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