Lights At The End of The Tunnel

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Light At The End Of the Tunnel

Nina James

As children we dream about being adults. How we want to be rich and the number of children we will have. But once we are adults we sometimes want to revert back to children It's as if a signal is sent to our brain that somehow those were simpler times. Millz, Tiya, and myself all have different personalities but we all share the same drive and determination. It's what brings us together and what bonds us during our struggles an triumphs.

Whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger. When you have a passion to do something, you go after it by any means necessary. It felt good to hear such good motivation. It's been forever since we were all together. But no matter how far we go we try to get together at least every once in a while.

Never take life too serious where you can't take the time out to catch your breath. You have to learn to laugh and turn your happening into happiness. Trials come to make us stronger so don't get discouraged when obstacles are thrown your way, use them as stepping stones to achieve your goals. My grandmother said "when the devil is constantly messing with you , God has something big in-store for you." Man its been such a long rode but I know I haven't traveled it for nothing. None of us have, our lives may not be what we thought it would but we are a testimony for others. A friend told me never worry about what other people have to say about you. We may be the statistic in the census, but we are a different face because we are doing something positive with our lives. " I want to be a millionaire so freaking bad and buy all of the things I never had."

The phone has been ringing off the hook from different schools, but none of them have I'm looking for. I'm trying to go back to school for Certified Medical Assistant. I'm not a fan of blood, but I hear it is very interesting and it pays more . My aunt and Tiya both majored in it and they are doing very well. I already know the business side, so mow just add the clinical and the blood work and I will know the whole operation. Yea sounds gory but the five month internship taught me a lot. I started out in the Wound Center then I was over in the Nursing home. I think what I liked the most is the fast pace, there was never a dull moment.

Don't get me wrong the smell is something you have to get use to, but after a while you don't really notice. With all my experience this will be a piece of cake. With Amelia starting preschool its time mommy start a new journey herself. I'm very excited because it's something new for both of us. She's at that independent stage, we are working on remembering her age, address and telephone number. Teaching her isn't hard, you just have to be consistent. that's what I keep telling Grace to do with her twins. Kids absorb everything like sponges, so you have to be careful of what are exposed to. I've been trying to get Amelia ready for school because this is different from her old school. She's going to be riding the school bus and meeting new people, I just hope she adjusts and won't be afraid. But she's a tough cookie I know she will do great, I love my little Siamese cat.

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