11: Christmas Eve

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Y/n's POV
"Rafa should be hanging out with us too." Daveed told us as we all talked about what we were gonna do on Christmas. "Really?" I asked. Daveed nodded. "I didn't get him anything either.." I whispered to myself. "What did you say?" Lin asked. "I forgot to get something for him." I sighed as I leaned over and put my head in my hands while resting my elbows on my knees. "It's ok, Y/n. You could've gotten us nothing and we'd still be happy. Your presence is enough." Jasmine smiled at me. I thanked them before we all decided it was time to go to sleep in our dressing rooms.

After we all changed into our more comfortable clothes, cuz who still wears pajamas, we all decided that some of us would hang out with others before heading to bed. Daveed, of course, coming to my room so we could hang out.

"Knock knock." Daveed smiled as he walked in. "Hello." I smiled as I finished setting up my couch so it was more comfortable. "How is my wonderful girlfriend doing?" Daveed whispered quietly as he rested his hands on my hips. "Wonderful. How is my amazing boyfriend doing?" I whispered back, lightly wrapping my arms around Daveed's neck. "Amazing." Daveed smiled back. I quickly kissed him before turning around and getting a blanket from a storage bin. "That wasn't nice." Daveed mumbled to himself as he dramatically fell onto the couch. I laughed as I turned back around with the blanket and threw it onto him. Daveed laughed along as he sat up and I sat next to him.

We sat in silence for a few moments, cuddled up next to each other before Daveed spoke. "You know you're the best thing that's happened to me, right?" Daveed mumbled. I looked up at him, a little confused. "No, I didn't. You're the best thing that's happened to me as well. But where did this all come from?" I asked, getting out of his grip and feeling his forehead.

"Why do you always do that when I'm just being nice." Daveed chuckled, bring my hand down from his forehead. "I dunno." I mumbled as I got comfortable in his arms again.

"I love you, Y/n." Daveed whispered as I drifted off to sleep in his arms. "I love you, too." I mumbled tiredly.

~The next morning~
"Are they a thing?" I heard Lin whisper. "Surely not. Y/n would have told one of the girls." Oak whispered back. "JAZZY!" I heard Anthony whisper yell. "Why are you whispering?" Jasmine asked in a regular tone. "Shhhh!" All the boys hissed. "Look!" Anthony pointed. "Ohhhh." Jazzy realized. "Did Y/n tell you anything about dating Daveed?" Lin asked. "Well you know they went on a date. She didn't tell me if they got together though." Jasmine explained.

"Sooo it's a possibility?" Oak asked. Everyone hummed in a agreement. I mumbled some things while shifting around to get more comfortable in Daveed's arms. "Go go go go go!" Anthony panicked, the sound of the door closing sounded soon after.

I opened my eyes and looked up at Daveed from his lap. He was looking down at me and tracing his thumb over my cheek, a smile covering his face. "You heard all of that?" I whispered. Daveed nodded. I reached behind the couch to the table that was next to it so I could get my phone. "It's 11 am." I informed Daveed. "Sounds about right." Daveed chuckled quietly to himself. I laughed a bit myself while setting my phone on the ground. Daveed held my waist while he pulled me up to sit in his lap properly. I smiled while leaning into his chest.

"I don't know how I lived with out you..." Daveed mumbled. "Stop it." I chuckled. "Whyyyy." Daveed whined. "Because I don't take these kinds of things well." I laughed. "Fiiiine." Daveed groaned, kissing my neck lightly afterward. "Get out," I started as I stood from Daveed's lap. "I have to change." I smiled. Daveed started to protest and promise he wouldn't look at me while I changed but stopped when he realized he wouldn't get his way. "Fine." Daveed huffed as he stood and walked out of my dressing room. "I'm standing out side of your door though!" Daveed called through the closed door. "Fine with me!" I called back as I rummaged through my bag of clothes.

In the end I decided on a white long sleeve crop top with navy blue adidas sweat pants. (Picture at the top)

"You can come in now!" I called to Daveed. "Finally! That took you forever!" Daveed complained as he wrapped his arms around me in a hug. I laughed a bit and hugged him back.

"Ooh, getting touchy in here~." I heard Lin giggle as the door opened. "It's a- You know what. I'm just gonna ignore you." I huffed as I walked out, Daveed following me. "We need to tell them sometime." Daveed whispered, bending down a bit so I could hear him as we walked. "I know." I sighed.

They say flew by in a blur. Groff was constantly asking to open presents early, Oak and Anthony had to pry him away from the large tree that was in the green room. We ordered Chinese for lunch and dinner. And then finally, Rafa arrived an our after dinner.

Of course, we had to slightly adjust the sleeping arrangements. Groff and Lin in their shared dressing room, Oak and Anthony in a room down the hall from Lin and Groff, all the girls together, Chris by himself, Rafa in Daveed's room, and Daveed in my room.

"Today was fun." I mumbled as Daveed and I laid on the pull out couch I was able to set up tonight, me cuddled up into Daveed's side. "Yeah.. it was.." Daveed mumbled tiredly. Truth be told, it was a rather exhausting day.

"How are we going to tell everyone about us?" I questioned. "I could hang out under some mistletoe that the girls put out and you stop to have a conversation with me, waiting for the others to notice." Daveed suggested. "That sounds good." I sighed, slightly digging my face into Daveed's neck.

"Surprised they haven't caught on already." Daveed mumbled rolling on his side so we'd be more comfortable. "I am too." I sighed, resting my arm over Daveed's side. "I love you, sleep tight." Daveed told me. "I love you, too." I mumbled before falling into a pit of slumber.

Can't wait to let everyone down with my stupid gifts.

1107 words

There should be an update out tomorrow!

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