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I wake up to a firefighter shining a light in my face. I can feel the weight of the rock is off me.

"Hello, miss can you hear me" he says.
I sit up.

"Where's Peter" I say

"I don't know, here come with me" the man says offering his hand.
I take it and feel a bit lightheaded but it's nothing.

"I need to call my dad where's my phone" I tell the paramedic.

"Miss you can call you father when I clear you" the paramedic says.

"I'm fine but I need my phone" I say.
I look for my bag and pick up my phone. I call my dad.

"Dad" I say in a shaky voice.

"Hey kid what's up" he says.

"Peter and I were on the subway and a bomb went off and I don't know where he is or if he's ok" I say panicking.
I feel my heat racing I'm scared.

"Hey it's ok I'm on my way" dad says and hangs up.

I'm waiting above ground when I see my dad fly in he looks at me before searching for Peter.
Later I see Peter on the stretcher. I want to run to him but he's in his suit. Later I get a call from dad.

"Is Peter ok" I say.

"He doesn't look good I'm taking him to the compound. Happy should be here to take you home" dad says.

"Ok" I say and hang up.
I watch Peter get taken away with someone doing chest compressions. I see happy pull up and I run to the car and get in.

"Hey kid you ok" Happy says.

"I'm fine"I say.
Peters ambulance drives off heading towards headquarters.
We get home and I run inside to find my dad who is leaving the medical bay. I run to him and hug him tight.

"Is he ok"I say into his chest.

"He's not doing too good" dad says
It feels like my heart got punched when I heard those words. I fall to the ground still holding onto my dad and just cry.

"He's strong"dad says trying to make me feel better.

"I I'm scared that he's gonna die and I'm gonna never tell him I still love him" I say into my dads chest.

"You can still tell him that"dad says picking me up.

"What even happened Peter just told me to get everyone off the train" I say wiping my tears.

"You know Peter saved 100 people but he must have triggered the bomb when he was looking around. When the bomb went off Peter was probably 20 feet away from it and got crushed by the cement. He's in surgery right now and I still have to call May"Dad says.
He looks concerned and scared.

"Dad is Peter gonna be ok" I say in a shaky voice.

"I don't know" Dad says.
Dad walks me to Nat and he leaves to call May.
I just sit next to Nat waiting for news from Peter. My leg starts tapping the floor and Nat places her hand on it.

"Hey it's gonna be okay, he'll be okay" she says.

"But how do you know. Everyone tells me it gonna be ok but a literal bomb went off just a few feet away from him he could have bled out if we didn't find him sooner. And now it's been an hour and I haven't been told any news that he's ok" I say.
Everyone goes silent.

"Im sorry, I'm just stressed because no one is telling me anything and I still love Peter and I wanna tell him right now but I can't and I don't think he'll forgive me" I say quietly to Nat.

"Peter is the most understanding and forgiving person I've ever met I'm sure he'll understand"Nat says.
A few minutes later May comes with Happy beside her.

"He's not out of surgery yet"May says.
We don't say anything because what is their to say. After waiting for two hours a surgeon comes out.
We all stand up waiting for her to speak.

"He's gonna be ok for now we just have to watch him for a week to make sure his body starts to heel properly" she says.
Relief goes through my body my shoulders relax finally.

"Can we see him"I ask.

"Right now only family members can visit"the surgeons says.
May comes towards me and holds my hand.

"Well I'm his aunt and this is his sister"May says.

"Alright follow me" the surgeon says.

"Are you crazy this is illegal"I whisper to May.

"I don't care he needs you right now"May says.
We get Peters room.

"He is in pain so I wouldn't squeeze or lift his hands"a nurse says as she's leaving his room.

"Go I'll be out here"May says.
I smile at her and enter his room. I see Peter just laying there his face is bruised and has cut on the side of his head. I sit next to him and see stitches along his hand which is stained with blood. Tears form at my eyes seeing him like this but I turn my head and swallow them.

"You really scared me you know.... I don't want you to ever leave me again. I was stupid to ignore you.... you know my life changed when we broke up.... I've never been so lost without you. I know you haven't been yourself lately and that's my fault.... I just hope you can forgive me.... I love you." I say to Peter.
I move his hair from his forehead and kiss him.
I leave so May can spend some time with him. I walk back to my room to shower and change. I noticed some bruises from when the cement hit me. I put some jeans on and a band tee to cover them. Later I go downstairs to see Peter hopefully he's awake already I really wanna talk to him. When I get back to his room he's still asleep. May is reading beside him.

"Oh I thought he would be up by now" I say.

"Well he hasn't been sleeping much since you guys broke up so he's probably caching up on sleep"May say.
It hurt hearing that he hasn't been sleeping because of me.

"I really messed things up between us didn't I" I say.
May drops her book from her face.

"No you didn't it was that Liz girl and a bit of Peters fault to be honest" May says.
I laugh. I love talking with May she's like another mom to me. Pepper was there for me as a mother figure but ever since she became CEO she hasn't been home as much. But with May I can talk to her about anything and she could listen and give the best advice.

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