The beach

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I've only been here for 2 weeks for and I'm already bored. Not that Peters boring but I can't really go in public and go shopping like I used to. I jump out of bed and put my sandals on run into Peters room and jump on his bed.

"Come on get your shoes on and meet me outside"I said and ran back out his room.
I grab the keys to the golf kart and jump in it.
Peter comes outside and smiles.

"This is so cool"Peter says.

"I know get in"I said.
I slowly back out of the driveway and get on the paved road. I speed up letting the wind mess my hair up.

"So where are we going?"Peter asks.

"I don't know the beach?" I say.
I park the golf kart and leave my sandals inside.

"Come on Peter it's time to show off those nails" I say heading to the water.
I sit in the sand and watch waves come back and forth.

"Weren't we supposed to tell happy that we're leaving the house"Peter says.

"We're literally 5 minutes away I think we'll be fine"I said.
I started pilling up the sand between my legs to try and make a sand castle. It held up for a few seconds before collapsing.

"Hey you ready to go"I shouted at Peter who's trying to look for sea shells.

"Ya" Peter says.
I get in on the passenger side and let him drive home.

"Did you find anything" I say.
I know that there's not any shells only an occasional sand dollar.

"No only crab legs"Peter says.
We get home and wash off the sand on our feet before we go inside. Luckily Happy called after we came back.

"Do you guys want me to come over and cook something"Happy says.
I look inside our freezer and see we still have Dino nuggets.

"No were good we still have Dino nuggets" I say.

"You guys can't always have Dino nuggets for dinner so I'm coming over"Happy said then hung up.
A few minutes later Happy arrives and starts cooking. Me and Peter wait in the living room watching Tangled. Peter only watches it because he likes hearing me sing along.
We're at the part we're she sees the lanterns and I hear Peter quietly singing along too.

"Ok dinner is done"Happy says from the kitchen.
I pause the movie so it's not playing in the background. Happy made pork chops with a pasta side dish.

"Thank you Happy" I say as I grab my plate.
We all sit together and eat.

"Can I call my dad sometime it seems like we're in the clear" I say.

"No I don't want to risk anything" Happy said.

"Ok" I say.
I finish dinner and go up to my room so I can be alone. I feel so tempted to call my dad but I know I shouldn't.

Peters POV

Y/N went straight to her room after dinner I was gonna go see her but Happy told me to stay and help with the dishes.

"I talked to your aunt the other day" Happy says.

"Is she ok"I say.

"Ya she's fine just wanted to know how you guys were doing"Happy says.

"Are we close to finding this guy because I'm pretty sure that my friends think I'm dead" I say.

"We still don't know much"Happy says.

"Except that they have rare and dangerous materials to make weapons"I say.
Happy doesn't say anything he's just as frustrated as me and Y/N are about all this.
Later after Happy leaves I go to Y/N room to check on her.


I hear my door open and look up to see Peter.

"Hey"Peter says.
I just roll over. Peter sits next to me and rubs my back.

"What's wrong"Peter says.

"Nothing I'm just homesick"I say.

"So am I"Peter says.
I can tell he misses May and Ned too.

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