New plan

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Peters POV

I woke up at 4 in morning with sharp aching pains all over my body. I look around and see Y/N asleep on the couch she's doesn't look to comfortable on it though. She's on her side with an arm over her head and her other arm hanging off the couch. I want to laugh but I'm in too much pain. I stay up and wait for Y/N to wake up. I get bored and start counting the cuts on my hands. 7 on my left with two stitches and 5 on my right with zero stitches. A nurse comes in to check on me at 8.

"Good morning, how are you feeling" she says.

"I'm ok. Uh how long has she been here" I say looking at Y/N.

"Oh um well since you got out of surgery which was yesterday at 2" she said finishing writing some things down.
I hear Y/N move on the couch and mumble something. Her eye open slowly and she smiles.

"Hey your awake"she says in a sleepy voice.

"Ya uh how'd you sleep" I said.

"It was ok" she says yawning.

"So you waited for me"I say.

"Well ya Peter I still care about you" she says.

"Really?" I say looking down.

"Just because we're not together anymore doesn't mean I don't care about you. Your still special to me no matter what our relationship is" she says.
The door opens and Mr.Stark comes in.

"Hey Y/N there's breakfast" Tony said.

"Good because I'm starving. Do you want anything Peter?" Y/N asked.

"Uh no thanks I'm not hungry"I say.
Y/N leaves and Tony walks to me.

"How you feeling and be honest with me"Tony says.

"Well if I'm being honest my entire body hurts" I say looking down.

"Ya I bet. Anyways we have more information about the bomb and it's a big threat so you and Y/N are going to my safe house for the summer" Tony said.

"Who's the threat and why do I have to go with Y/N"I said.

"We don't know who it's is yet but whoever it is has access to dangerous materials and your going with her because I said so. She doesn't like the life of being in danger she just wants to be a normal teenager" Tony said.

"I understand, does she know what we're doing"I say.

"Yes and you're leaving in three days so heal up"Tony said while leaving.
Later that day May came and visited me. She didn't seem too excited about me leaving with  Y/N.

"May I'll be fine I'm going to a safe house I'm sure nothings gonna happen"I say.

"Well when are you leaving" she said.

"Uh in 3 days" I say.

"But your not gonna be healed fully. I'm gonna have a word with Tony"May says as she's getting up.

"No no no May I'll be ok I have super strength I'm not gonna feel that much" I say.
She sits back down.

"Ok fine but you have to call me everyday, deal" May says.

"Deal" I said.
Y/N opened the door and poked her head in.

"Oh sorry May i didn't know you were still here I'll go" she says shutting the door.

"No it's ok I should be getting back home anyway"May said.


May leaves and it's just me and Peter.

"I was uh wondering if you wanted to watch a movie or something" I say.

"Ya sure" Peter says.
He doesn't have the same sparkle in his eye from when we were together. I put in Star Trek and sit on the couch a few feet away from Peter. This feels weird like somethings missing. I wrap the blanket that was on the couch around me as a replacement for Peters arm for its supposed to be there.

"So how are you feeling" I say trying to break the awkward silence.

"Oh I'm ok I'm on so many meds right now I can't feel too much" Peter says.

"Are you gonna be well enough to leave in a few days" I said.

"I'll be fine"Peter says.
He seems tired of people asking that. We don't say anything for the rest of the movie.

"Well I'm going to bed to you need anything before I go"I say.

"No it's ok I'm good"Peter says.

"Ok then good night"I said

"Good night"Peter says.
I get to my room and fall onto my bed and scroll through my phone until I fall asleep.

Night before leaving to safe house

Me, Nat and Wanda stayed in the kitchen after dinner just to talk.

"So is this gonna take the whole summer to catch this guy"I say.

"I don't it could, why you like the safe house"Nat said.

"Well I'm gonna have to be with Peter and things aren't back to normal"I say.

"Did you tell him that you still love him"Wanda said.

"No because he still seems upset and things are kinda awkward between us like when I'm with him he doesn't talk as much as he used to" I said.

"You told him that you were sorry right"Nat said.

"Well I said I was sorry for ignoring him and that I still cared about him and he looked so surprised"I said kinda confused.

"Well if someone ignored me for months then told me they still cared I'd be surprised too" Wanda said.

"Ya I guess your right but I'm trying to make it up with him" I say.

"I'm sure you two will figure things out but you should get to bed your leaving tomorrow and I can tell you're really stressed about all this"Nat said.

"Ya I need double check my bags before I get to bed"I say getting up from the table.

"Ok then good night" Wanda said.
I get to my room and put all my bags together for the morning and go to sleep.

I was probably asleep for 4 hours when I hear my dad waking me up.

"Hey come on we have to get you to the safe house now" he says shaking me.

"What why it's like 3 in the morning" I say.

"We got a lead that there's gonna be an attack come on your leaving now"dad says and rushes out my room.

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