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I wake up in a hospital bed. I feel something wet on my hand and look down. Emily was drooling on it.

I move my hand a bit. She wakes up.

"Oh hey! How are you feeling." She says, rubbing her eyes.

I wipe her slobber off. "Wet." She laughs. I smile.

"Come kiss me. I haven't kissed anyone since I've been asleep." I say

She kisses me softly on the lips. I smile.

"Thank you, ma'am." I say with my eyes still closed.

"Why you're welcome,"she said playfully. Then her smile turns into a frown. That makes me frown.

"What's wrong?" I ask.

"We're not married." She says after a minute of thinking.

"So lets get married. Ill have a big dress, you can wear whatever you want- as long as its pretty, and i will have Hotch there and Garcia and JJ." I say playfully. 

Wait a minute.

I sit up super fast. "Where's JJ?" Emily tries to pull me back down to the bed. "Is she okay? What happened?"

"She is in a hospital bed, she was hurt pretty badly, but she was able to wake up and tell us a little bit of why she kidnapped you-"

"What did she say?" I interrupted her.

She sighs. "Do you remember Peter Lewis?"

"Yeah, Mr. Scratch... What about him?" 

"He, um, supposedly, kidnapped JJ and put drugs in her system to make her do anything she wanted. She said that she hid you so that he wouldn't find you when he came down to do to you what he did to her."

I stay quiet for a couple minutes. "Where's my phone?"

"Uh, right... here! Why" She says, taking my phone out of my personal hospital baggie.

"I need to call Garcia. She needs to get officiated so we can get married.

The next day, me and my fiance got married by one of our best friends and spent part of our honeymoon in the hospital, basically my home.

And we all lived happily ever- wait. You didn't think it was over, did you?  

The Day After Tomorrow- 𝔼𝕞𝕚𝕝𝕪 ℙ𝕣𝕖𝕟𝕥𝕚𝕤𝕤 𝕀𝕞𝕒𝕘𝕚𝕟𝕖Where stories live. Discover now