Chapter 29

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|Dracos pov|

I woke up to little feet crawling over my face and I turn the light on and see Leo getting into bed and snuggling up to y/n "Leo no it's late." I say and Leo then starts fake crying which woke y/n up

"Leo no you need to learn to sleep in your own bed!" Y/n says and I nod

"Come on let's go back to bed." I say picking up up but he was clinging to y/n crying "Leo release!" I say and y/n shakes her head

"He's not a dog Draco!" Y/n says picking Leo up and then bringing him back to his bed "Bed time darling." Y/n says as she walks back to our room and I sigh

"So sleepy." I say and she nods and kisses my cheek then we go back to sleep "If his feet kicks me awake again I swear is it too late to put him back where he came from." Draco says and you laugh

"Yeah definitely is 4 years too late." You say and Draco sleepily kisses you and then went straight back to sleep

|The next morning|

"You know babe I was talking to Pansy and she told me that in Hogwarts when you and her finally became friends, of course after she realized your not that bad just because you were in Gryffindor, that you changed her beliefs on muggles and muggleborns and how they aren't that bad and they are just like us, just by hanging out with her like not even saying anything and you did the same thing to me! What are you!" Draco says and you walk over and kiss him

"No clue but I changed half your friends somehow like come on Pansy never would have dated up with that muggleborn wizard if it weren't for me introducing them, and now she has Abigail." You say and Draco nods

"I think you got Blaise to date a muggle like what?" Draco says and you laugh

"Hey he tagged alone with us and I said my muggle friend is coming and they said ok so is Blaise and then they dated." You say and Draco nods

"Yeah I'm like shocked how you did that like Pansy? She had the same beliefs as me we were basically the same person just she was a girl and you got her to believe that muggles aren't bad and she had a kid with one well a muggle born wizard but same thing." Draco says as you laugh

"Yeah well they are just like us just they can't use magic so what's bad about them? They made pretty cool stuff too like Freddy's Nintendo Ds that he loves so much." You say and Draco nods

"Yeah I know they aren't bad I'm just asking how you do it?" Draco says and you shrug

"It's a gift I guess." You say and Draco nods

"It is your so amazing." Draco says pulling you into a kiss and Leo dropped his fork on purpose because he wanted attention now and you go and pick it up for him, and then you start giving Leo attention and Leo smirked at Draco making him look shocked *Like my kids get away with basically bullying me but if I say one rude comeback I get no kisses for the rest of the day no fair! I want attention!*

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