Chapter 45

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Ginny and Harry came over today and you and Ginny decided to make fun of Draco and Harrys old rivalry which they both were so embarrassed

"What up malfoy you ferret." Ginny says to you and you laugh

"My father will hear about this potter!" You say and Draco sighs as Harry shakes his head embarrassed and disappointed

"Oh come on not again!" Harry says but you and Ginny keep going

"So do we walk away or let them keep going in front of us?" Draco asks and Harry shrugs as you and Ginny kept making fun of them as you both were laughing

"Gin stop please not again." Harry says as Ginny and you didn't stop

"Dementor, dementor." You say and Draco was sitting on the couch cringing

"Oooh so spooky." Ginny says as you laugh

"Babe stop." Draco says and you look at him

"No." You say and Draco sighs

"I'll tickle you." Draco says and Ginny laughs

"Man is she gonna stop or not?" Ginny says as you think

"Nope so Ginny scared potter." You say as Draco gets up and grabs you and starts tickling you as you start laughing

"Not gonna stop until you stop making fun of me and I guess Harry." Draco says and you fall to the ground laughing but Draco doesn't stop tickling you "Hey I told you that you should have stopped now here's your punishment." Draco says as you try and pry his hands off but you couldn't "Hey I told you I'd tickle you but you didn't listen." Draco says as you were trying to get Ginny to help you but she doesn't

"Traitor!!!" You say laughing to Ginny who chuckles

You escape from Draco and run off but Draco chases you and you hide behind Leo who walked downstairs after a nap and Draco was shocked

"Don't hide behind our son." Draco says and you laugh

"Then don't tickle me don't make me use I'm pregnant to make you stop." You say and Draco sighs

"Damm it why can she use it that's not fair." Draco says and you smirk

"Haha I win." You say as you then pick up Leo who hugs you tiredly

*Why does she always win? I don't understand! Why does she have to be so cute! It's not fair!*

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