Chapter 43

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|Starrs pov|

I run over to the Gryffindor table with a letter and run to Freddy and grab him and he looked at me annoyed "Starr what the hell do you want?" He asks and I shove the letter in his face and he was confused

"See!" I say and Freddy sighs

"I can't read if the paper is on my face idiot." Freddy says and I sigh and let him read it "Mom is pregnant again?" Freddy says and everyone at the table looks at us as I sit down beside him

"Yup Mom is pregnant again I hope I finally get that little sister!"I say as Freddy laughs

"Doubt your gonna be the only girl." Freddy says and I roll my eyes at him

"Yeah ok idiot." I say as I get up and walk back to the Slytherin table

|Dracos pov|

I decided I was gonna take y/n out for no reason at all just to make her feel special I bought her two gifts she can wear on our date if she wants

I just like making my wife feel loved and appreciated whenever I can

But as I was waiting for y/n to come home because she was getting Leo from Harrys and Ginny's place because Leo was hanging out with his cousins

One of my friends came over and we talked

"Your having relationship problems?" I say to Mathew and he nods

"Yeah like my wife is nagging me so much." He says and I nodded

"What do you mean by nag?" I say as I put y/ns gifts in a bag for her

"Well before I talk who are those gifts for?" He asks and I smile

"Y/n I just want her to feel appreciate especially since she's pregnant again so gotta make her feel loved and cared for! she always gets super self conscious and her self esteem lowers when she's pregnant." I say and Mathew nods

"Ok? Well my wife keeps nagging me on stuff that doesn't even matter also why get y/n a gift if it's not a special day?" Mathew says and I was confused now I can't make my wife feel appreciated?

"Because I want her to know how much I love her I can't always express it with words sometimes I need to do actions, and buying gifts for each other and going on dates when we can is special and keeps us both happy and our marriage strong." I say and Mathew laughs

"Why if I say I love you to my wife she should know I love her." Mathew says and I sigh

"Mathew no! How did you even get married acting like this? You gotta treat your wife like the queen she is!" I say and Mathew laughs

"What's so important about that? Like my wife used to always look good but she's starting to stop caring about how she looks." Mathew says and he was hurting my head

"When was the last time you complimented her? Like I always call y/n my beautiful baby or kiss her and tell her how gorgeous she looks, I always make sure she feels like she's the most beautiful girl in the world." I say and Mathew nods

"Huh I'm supposed to compliment my wife?" He says and I felt like he was hopeless honestly he's so dumb how did he even pass his tests in Hogwarts?

"You and your wife are equals like I learned how to cook just so y/n doesn't feel pressured to always do it, if she's tired I'll take over and watch the kids as she takes a nap, honestly we're a team and I married her because I know I want to spend the rest of my life making her smile as she makes me smile." I say and Mathew nods

"Why should I help her? Woman are supposed to cook and clean it's their job. I'm supposed to be better then her." Mathew says and I wanted to slap him I feel bad for his wife now

"No not true I am one hundred percent not better then my wife if you ever seen a woman give birth yeah no I am not better then my wife because of that. And you ever seen a woman on her period merlin no every month they go through pain no my wife is way better then me." I say and Mathew laughs

"How bad can it be." He says and I sigh he was really starting to get on my nerves why am I his friend again?

"Imagine pushing basically a watermelon out of your body but that watermelon is a living breathing baby and your in pain because of that." I say and then y/n walks in and she walks over and kisses my cheek and I smile and pull her into a kiss "Hey beautiful I got a gift for you." I say as y/n smiles

"Awesome I'll be right back Leo got hurt so I need to make sure he's feeling better." Y/n says and I nod and kiss her one last time before she walks off with Leo

I talk with mat for a little longer before he leaves *Honestly how is mat married? I feel bad for his wife that she married someone so stupid*

Stupidly and always in love with youWhere stories live. Discover now