Chapter 11

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You were shopping with Hermione and Leo as you both were catching up

Suddenly bright lights were in your face like normal this is one reason you hate going out at all but your used to it

You shield Leo's face from the light as someone asks you questions "Y/n is it true none of your kids are Dracos." They say oh no you don't tolerate that question ever!

"Excuse me Starr has blond hair like my husband Freddy has his eyes and Leo has his hair and eyes honestly is everyone just stupid? It's obvious all my kids are my husbands now never ask me that again unless you want me to beat your ass." You say and Hermione laughs as you were obviously upset like really people think you cheat on Draco if they see you hangout with a friend that's a boy

Like they wrote an article on the front page trying to say you and Harry are in a secret relationship when he's married to your little sister what the fuck! You literally can't hangout with a guy without someone saying your cheating on Draco

But Draco just laughs when he sees it then burns the paper every time saying that's where trash writing goes

"I bet this gets annoying." Hermione says and you nod

"Yes very annoying honestly like people still say crap about me and Draco I get it but honestly it's been 11 years cant people let shit go!" You say as Leo was getting tired and you then tell Hermione you both should head back and she nods seeing Leo tired

|Dracos pov|

I was reading when Leo walked over to me and sat beside me and I looked confused "Hey Leo you need something?" I ask and Leo smiles

"What's a soulmate?" Leo says and I think of how to explain it to him

"Well like a best friend but more a soulmate is someone who inspires you to change makes you want to be the best person you can be, they are someone who always sees the best in you even if you can't see it." I say as I smiled and Leo nods

"Is mommy your soulmate?" Leo asks and I nod

"Yes she is no question about it, she definitely is you see when I was a teenager she made me wanna change just to be with her, she made me wanna be the best person I could, she inspired me so much to change and be better." I say as y/n walks in smiling and I then started blushing "You heard that didn't you?" I say and she nods

"Yes I did Draco." She says and I smile

"Well I meant every word." I say as she walks over and kisses my nose "I love you so much." I say and she smiles

"I love you too now Leo lunch is ready." Y/n says and Leo smiles as he was hugging a teddy bear

"I swear only yesterday he was born." Draco says and you laugh

"Yeah well I'm hungry so hurry up." You say and Draco nods as he puts his book down and follows you as he holds your hand

*Y/n makes my life so much better I couldn't imagine her not in it*

So I have a question my friend has been giving me ideas for other Harry Potter books if you want to check out my Instagram and vote on the next book I'll publish. Because my friends are being too indecisive to help me

 Because my friends are being too indecisive to help me

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