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Here's another Teenlock I wrote based off a post I saw. 

It was 1:24 in the morning and Sherlock was still wide awake as he was most nights, scrolling through random sites on his phone. He was trying to find something interesting to do, for he was incredibly bored and aching for someone to be murdered in a unique way. After huffing a sigh, the curly haired teen closed the Google search on his phone and brought his thumb to hover over the Instagram icon.

It wouldn't hurt, would it? Sherlock bit his lip and connected his finger to the touch screen. His small profile popped up, S_Holmes, showing posts of his dog Redbeard. While Sherlock doesn't like posting pictures that show his face, a few of them featured him smiling up at the camera hugging Redbeard close to his body. His fluffy red Setter simply looked too cute to not share them with the world. After smiling at the images of Redbeard, Sherlock clicked on the search bar. One of the boy's favorite pastimes was studying the pictures of his long time crush from school, John Watson. With a moment of hesitation, Sherlock found the blond's account and began scrolling through his many posts, hungrily taking in the beauty of John. Most were pictures showing a victorious football team covered in mud after they beat a competing school. John, the goalie, always had a bright smile on his face that caused Sherlock to flush, even though he knew the player wasn't looking at him. Oh how he wished John would look at him like that.

The dark haired boy stayed sprawled out across his bed for another hour, simply staring at the images of John. He knew his infatuation probably seemed pretty creepy, but no one would know about it, so Sherlock told himself it was fine. It was just a harmless teenage crush. That was until Sherlock was staring at his favorite picture of John. Taken by another person about two years ago, it showed the short but muscular boy at a café sipping on his drink glancing up at the camera in surprise. The way his wide baby blue eyes were filled with laughter while his lips were still around the rim of the cup made Sherlock's heart beat faster. He just looked so adorable.

Just as the lovestruck boy was thinking that thought, his pale thumb tapped the 'like' heart below the post. Sherlock instantly retracted his thumb and gasped in horror when he realized what he had done. That picture was two fucking years old and I just liked it at two in the morning! After freaking out for a few short seconds, Sherlock fumbled with his phone and quickly unliked the picture. Hopefully it won't notify him since I undid it so quickly. Struck with nerves, the boy jumped off his bed and began pacing around his small and messy room. Oh my gosh, he's going to think I'm a complete freak. Well, everyone else does so he probably does too, but this will just confirm his beliefs. I'll just pretend to be sick tomorrow so I won't have to go to school. Mycroft doesn't care enough anyway... Damn it! I forgot Mummy came home tonight from her conference. She'll be the one who gets me up.

Sherlock pulled his thin hands roughly through his unruly curls as he thought of some kind of excuse to be absent from classes. Nothing came to his scattered mind. Fine, I'll just have to face the inevitable and hope he doesn't beat me up. Actually, maybe it wouldn't be so bad if he did. I mean at least John would be touching me. Running his hands down his colorless face, Sherlock shuffled to his bed and threw himself on it. He glanced at the clock that read 3:47 and gave a deep sigh. The tall boy knew that he should try to get some sleep so he could face John with more wits about him. After tossing and turning for a few hours, Sherlock finally fell into some level of sleep that was filled with nightmares anticipating tomorrow.


"It's time to get up, Sherlock!"

The boy groaned and rolled over on his bed. He rubbed his tired eyes with a yawn before blinking them open. Sherlock's brilliant seafoam green eyes scanned across the familiar sight of his view when suddenly last night's occurrence hit him. His eyes widened and he felt his stomach drop. He frantically stumbled over to the dresser where his phone was charging to see if he received any threatening messages. The curly haired boy let out a sigh of relief upon seeing no notifications and he pulled open the drawers to find an outfit for the day. Glancing through the immaculately organized dresser, Sherlock finally settled on a dark purple button down and a pair of black slacks.

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