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A/N: Kidlock cuz its flipping adorable even though I find it weird when little kids date and stuff like that...But don't worry, no dating here, just cute crushes! 

It was John's first day at the seemingly huge school. He and his mom finally moved away from his abusive father and now John's mom was working on raising her two kids alone (not that her husband was much help anyways). As John and his mom approached the building, John clung to her hand. 

"You'll be just fine, sweetie. I know you'll make a lot of friends," Mrs. Watson reassured her shaking son. 

"What if they don't like me?" John whispered with watery eyes. 

"John, they'll love you." With that she knelt down on the sidewalk and gave her son a firm hug. "Promise you'll be nice to the other kids?"

"Yes, Mommy. I promise," John said with a grin as his mom began to tickle him. 

"Good. Now we have to get you to class, you don't want to be late on the first day," Mrs. Watson smiled down at her son as she stood up. They entered the building with windows decorated with colorful paper crafts clearly created by four year olds. John thought it looked quite nice, even if the large building was intimidating compared to his small frame. 

After his mom checked him in, John met his teacher Mrs. Hudson. He loved her as soon as he saw the loving look in her chocolate brown eyes. After the introductions, John's mom had to leave for work. He swallowed back tears, wanting to prove that he was a brave big boy who could take care of himself. John managed a weak smile as his mom turned back to wave, her eyes just as watery as his. 

"Alright, John. Do you want to go out to the playground and meet your classmates?" Mrs. Hudson asked with a sweet smile. He nodded and took her hand as she lead him outside. Once they exited the building through the backdoor, John was met with bright sunshine spreading its rays over a colorful playground set filled with running kids. There was a swing set off to the side and a big empty area of grass for the children to run around and play games.

"Boys and girls!" She called. After all the children circled around the woman, she introduced John. "This is John Watson and is going to be joining our class! Let's make sure he has lots of fun and learns a lot." 

Most of the children were excited at the prospect of a new friend, except for a taller kid in the back who just looked bored. John was disappointed not everyone like him. 

"Hi," A girl with auburn hair and a grin that was missing a few teeth squeaked. "I'm Molly."

"Hi Molly," John responded with a grin. She grabbed his hand and pulled him over to a group of kids who were playing on the swings. He quickly became acquainted with the other kids, Greg, Mike, and Mary and thought they were all very nice. 

After a few minutes of swinging, John noticed three kids on the other side of the playground hidden from Mrs. Hudson's watchful eyes. Out of curiosity John toddled over to see two push over the other kid. The blond boy picked up his pace and stood between the bullies and their victim. 

"Hey," John shouted. "You can't do that, its mean!" The curly haired girl looked a little ashamed at being caught, but the slim boy simply smirked. 

"What are you going to do about it? Tell the teacher Sally and I are picking on the freak?" The boy remarked. John took a step back out of fear. He expected the bullies to just say sorry and leave him alone. 

"Come on, Jim. Let's go, I don't want him telling Mrs. Hudson," The Sally whispered as she grabbed the boy's arm. He rolled his dark brown eyes at her, but allowed himself to be pulled away after giving John another threatening look. John shivered but turned to the other boy who was still on the ground. 

"Are you ok?" John asked as he extended a hand out for the dark haired boy to take. The boy glared at his hand and pushed himself up without assistance. 

"I'm fine. I don't know why you found that necessary, I was perfectly capable of handling the situation myself," The boy sighed as he dusted off his black pants. 

"Oh, ok," John mumbled. "I'm John."

"Yes, I know perfectly well who you are, Mrs. Hudson introduced you."

"What's your name," John asked, braving a small smile. The taller boy's cheeks dusted a light pink.

"Sherlock," He said, holding out his hand for John to shake like he had seen adults do. Sherlock's pale, thin fingers wrapped around John's tan hand as both boys flushed a bit.

"Do you wanna play with me?" John grinned.

Sherlock stared at the shorter boy and smiled back at his chubby cheeks and round face. "I only play pirate. I'm the captain and you can be drowning and I'll save you," He explained as he took John by the hand and led him towards the playground equipment. John ran to keep up with him, excited that he made a new friend. Sherlock ordered John to stay on the wood chips and then he climbed up the playground set. Once he reached the top, the boy ruffled his dark curly hair and asked John if he was ready.

"Yep!" John started to pretend he was swimming by waving his arms around while running around the playground. Then he came to a stop and flailed his arms more sporadically. "Captain Sherlock! Help me!" He yelled up to the boy.

"Don't worry," Sherlock smirked with a dramatic flare, "I'll save you!" With that the thin boy ran to the fire pole connected to the playground set, grasped it in his small hands, and twirled down to John. Sherlock grabbed John's hand and tugged him up into the playground's tower. The boys seated themselves inside, panting slightly from their playing.

"You know," Sherlock started with a mischievous glint in his pale blue eyes, "I could use a first mate."

John leaned closer in anticipation. "What's that?"

Sherlock rolled his eyes at the blond boy's cluelessness but the action was quickly replaced with a smile. "That means you will always look out for me and help me when I need it."

"Oh!" John smiled. "Like a best friend! I'd love to be your first mate."

Sherlock found himself once again blushing at John's words. "Good. But if you betray me," He paused at John's perplexed face. "If you do something mean to me then you have to walk the plank!" Sherlock demanded while pointing a threatening finger towards the tallest slide in the playground.

John was taken aback. "Why would I be mean to you? I like you."

"Oh... um, well most kids don't like me." Sherlock was confused why his belly started to flutter after John's declaration. "They call me mean names."

John rushed forward and gave Sherlock a firm hug. "I promise I won't let anyone hurt you ever again," John whispered over Sherlock's shoulder.

Sherlock snuggled deeper into John's arms. "Well that isn't really possible. I could get hurt at any moment and there would be nothing you could do about it."

John just giggled and pulled out of their hug. "Come on, I hear Mrs. Hudson calling us to start class." The boys ran off the playground equipment and Sherlock grasped John's hand again.

"Wait, John," Sherlock whispered before they reached the door.


"Thanks," Sherlock flushed a deep red and placed a quick kiss on John's chubby cheeks. John's face turned the same shade red in response and Sherlock pulled a dazed John into the building for a day filled with fun.

Sorry this one was pretty bad, I've been writing a lot of papers for school and am losing a bit of interest in writing now. I also didn't read over this one much so hopefully the grammar and stuff is ok. My winter break is almost here so I'm hoping to write quite a bit then, but I'll see. 

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