Their Reaction To Your Death

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Veronica Sawyer:

She had seen you get murdered in front of her eyes.

J.D had murdered you and made it seem like a suicide.

She tried telling Chandler about what she saw but Heather just shrugged it off and said "Maybe it's all in your mind, Veronica. We know how much you loved your little Y/N but he's/she's gone now! And you'll have to accept it"

She swore she saw J.D murder you and will stop at nothing to make sure J.D pays for murdering the love of her life.

Jason Dean:

He... He can't believe it!

He killed you! He killed you in a moment of anger!

He regrets everything and wishes to die too.

You had died in his arms and if he has to move again, he will live with the guilt of killing you forever.

Martha Dunnstock:

She becomes depressed. She's usually happy all the time, but after your death, she's not the Martha she was before you died.

Veronica and the Heathers, especially Heather McNamara, tried cheering her up.

But she always carries a picture of you around that makes her so attached and sad that she lost the one person who actually loved her and would never dump her for popularity or power.

Ram Sweeney:

He goes into rage mode.

He starts trashing his room once he hears of your death.

He become self-destructive.

Kurt tried calming him down, but it only ends in Ram breaking in tears and ranting about how he lost you and feels like it's his fault for not protecting you.

Kurt Kelly:

His admirers start taking this as a chance to get with him, but he usually just yells at them to leave him alone because he only truly loved you.

He had lost you and he has to start being strong but he can't be knowing the effect you had on him.

He misses your smile, your cuteness, you being able to cheer him up, and everything about you.

He just wishes your death was all a dream and that you were actually cuddling with him in bed right now.

Heather Chandler:

She cries so hard, there's no point in cheering her up.

Heather Duke tries to cheer her up but all Duke gets is another "Shut up, Heather"

Heather McNamara sends her chocolates and keeps consoling her but nothing helps.

She just rants to Veronica on how she misses you.

Your death has taken a toll on her that she even attempted to commit suicide once but Veronica had stopped her from doing so.

Heather Duke:

She attempts to distract herself from grief by reading books but her grief and anger gets to her that she ends up ripping out the pages from the book.

She just wishes you had died together like Romeo and Juliet.

Heather McNamara:

She is no longer the ray of sunshine she was before and after she met you.

She becomes as dark as the entire night sky without the moon.

She never reaches out to the girls which worries them.

They go to check on her at her home, they reach to her room only to find out that she had overdosed on pills.

Betty Finn:

She becomes quiet.

She never talks.

She is always seen dozing off.

She tries to distract herself from grief with her studies but it does not work so all she does is keep quiet.

Ms. Fleming even attempted talking to her about your death with people filming her, but she never talks.


The only time she'll talk again is if she sees you one last time.

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