When They Confessed To You

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Veronica Sawyer:

"You need me, Veronica!" You heard J.D yell.

"No I don't! I don't even like you!!" Veronica yelled at him.

"Then Who Do You Love, now?! Is it that Y/N kid?! That jerk?! Want me to kill him/her to make you transfer that love to me??" You saw him took out a gun and you quickly ran to Ms. Fleming.

"Ms. Fleming! I saw Jason Dean pulling out a gun!!!" Ms. Fleming's eyes widened as she took out her phone, called the cops and followed you to where J.D and Veronica were.

You were shocked to see a crowd had formed and a lifeless Ram on the floor and Kurt being held at gunpoint.

J.D saw you and smirked "So, Veronica likes you huh? What's so special? You met her at a rapist party? You saved her from a rapist? Everyone would do that if they witnessed someone almost getting raped! SO WHAT'S SO SPECIAL ABOUT YOU, L/N?!" Suddenly, police sirens were heard and J.D didn't seem to panic.

He just smirked even more "You will remember me for centuries..."

*Later, at night, at Veronica's house*

You were sitting at the steps of the stairs to her house.

"Y/N..." You heard someone say, you turned your head around and saw Veronica so you stood up "Uhm... Hi"

Veronica just smiled, sat beside you and pulled you down to sit beside her.

She clung to your arm and rested her head on your shoulder.

"So, you like me?" Veronica sighed "Yeah, I didn't expect you to find out this way"

You nodded and the air was filled with silence, not awkward silence, it was rather comfortable.

"Don't worry, I like you too" You could feel Veronica smile.

Jason Dean:

You and him were at 7/11, again.

J.D kept slurping on his Slushie "So, I like you, ya hear me? Do you like me too?" J.D said casually- (A/N: totally wasn't screaming on the inside.)

You just chuckled, looked at him and said "I like you too, ya hear me?" He just chuckled and continued slurping on his Slushie.

Martha Dunnstock:

You guys were at her house for movie night.

Veronica couldn't come because she was at a party at Remington university with Heather Chandler.

You were so invested in the movie until you heard Martha stutter "U-Uhm... Y-Y/N?"

You looked at her "Hmm?"

She then continued to stutter "I-I like you... a-a lot... I-it's alright I-if you don't like me back... I totally get it..." Martha looked down to her lap.

You smiled and held her hand "I like you too, Martha"

Ram Sweeney:

Ram was tired of kissing you. NOT IN THAT WAY THOUGH-

He was tired of kissing you with him not being your boyfriend.

So one day, at lunch. He went up to you and went like "Yo, I think we should date"



Kurt Kelly:

As I said, it happened after the kiss incident.

Once you two pulled away, Kurt said "Sooo, does this mean you're mine now?" He smirked at you.

"Yep!" You say with an eye-smile and pulled Kurt into another kiss.

Heather Chandler:

Believe it or not, she was a nervous WRECK before she confessed to you.

She just wanted to say the right things to you.

It happened at her bedroom. NO YOU DID NOT DO THE NASTY.

She decided she would go with you to a party.

You were sitting in her bed with your hands in your pockets just watching Heather put on her make up.

You noticed she kept glancing at you.

She then turned to you and smiled, you smiled back at her and said "Ready to go?"

She nodded "But before we go, can I tell you something?" You smiled and nodded.

"Well... Y/N... I-I like you! F-for months now! And I would really like it if you became my boyfriend/girlfriend or at least went on a date with me..." She then looked down and her face were as red as her clothes right now.

Your smile widened and you just said "Sure" She looked at you confused "Sure?" You nodded "Sure! I'll be your boyfriend/girlfriend and we'll go on a date!" She smiled and pulled you into a tight hug.

Needless to say, you two walked in the party holding hands and the other two Heathers just celebrated their ship sailing and their win. (A/N: Them, Veronica and J.D were betting on you two's relationship-)

Heather Duke:

"Just go tell him/her already, Heather!" Chandler yelled at Duke, again.

Heather Chandler was determined to make Duke confess to you, she wouldn't admit it, but she did ship you guys a little.

"Heather, stop pushing her, she'll decide whether to tell him/her when the time's right" Veronica said to Chandler.

Chandler rolled her eyes and said "Look, if you do not tell him/her right now, someone might go up to him/her and asked him/her out, leaving you HEARTBROKEN. What happened to not being a pussy anymore, Heather?" Chandler then leaned back on her chair as the 4 of them looked at you talking with J.D.

"It's obvious he likes him/her. J.D keeps going to his/her house when I'm there and he literally spends his time flirting with him/her. Heather's right, Heather. If you do not confess your feelings, then J.D might sweep him/her of his/her feet and take him/her away!" McNamara said.

The thought of you and J.D together made her stomach churn.

She then abruptly stood up and marched over to you.

"Knew she would do that, thanks Heather!" McNamara smiled at Chandler and watched what Duke would do.

Her hands slammed your table causing you to flinch and looked at her "Hi Heather-" "Meet me in the library once you're done with your food." Heather then walked out of the cafeteria...

(A/N: Don't worry kids, I'll do a continuation soon)

Heather McNamara:

You were playing with some little kid who was very fond of you while Heather was staring at you with love in her eyes and a smile on her face.

She then blurted out "I like you" she then slapped her hand to her mouth, eyes widened and she froze.

You too, but then your lips curled into a smile "Hey, why don't  you go to your parents now, little one?" "Sure! See you, Y/N!!!" The kid then ran off to his parents then you looked at Heather McNamara with a smirk.

"I like you too" She then blushed and looked down.

Betty Finn:

You were at your locker, putting some of your books in your locker and taking out some book when Betty walked to you.

You looked at her and noticed she was blushing "Hey, what's up?" You asked Betty "I-I like you, Y/N! Okay bye-" She then ran away leaving you flustered at her words.

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