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Fallon Ophelia Alderich




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The sun had arisen and slowly began flooding her room with its warm light, illuminating the shadows that dared to fight to stay despite the inevitable. Birds could be heard clearly from just outside her window singing their beautiful melodies as their wings beat against the morning wind. The Sound of the street below bustling with life as merchants, traders and city inhabitants occupied them as they traveled to their various destinations. Though this was not enough to awaken the sleeping girl, what had finally pulled her out from her peaceful slumber was the sound of her father forging away in the living room below. She groaned as she peeled her eyes open, little by little, letting them get adjusted to the light that wanted to harshly invade them. A soundless yawn contoured her features as she unraveled her limbs from the sheets that'd entrapped them in warmth the night before and swung her legs over the side of her bed. Her hand lazily rubbed at her eyes, dragging them across her face before it landed at her side, 'There is no time like the present.' She thought bitterly. She had talked to her father and warned him against this sort of thing before, to which he agreed wouldn't happen again.

"Seems like we need to have yet another conversation over fathers work habits." She said aloud to herself. Glancing over her room once more deciding that she should probably get up and ready for the day, she knew her father would send her out for something. She made her way out of her room and down the hallway to enter the washroom, it didn't take her long before she was back in the confines of her own room deciding what to wear. It was a sunny day in her part of Tsunira, which just meant warm winds on the mountain. So there was no need to wear anything too heavy or warm. She settled on wearing a thigh-length strapless dress with a faint color gradation from white to pale blue at the hem. A small piece of black lace adorned the front of her neckline and the hem of the dress is scalloped and stitched to resemble snowflakes, with layers of white tulle under the skirt. Not feeling comfortable enough to leave her arms bare she put on a hooded bell-sleeved bolero with the same color gradation as her dress from shoulder to wrist, lined in red. For her footwear she put on Her white boots which were wedged heels. They have a small silver decoration across the top of the foot and are lined in red as well to match her jacket. She then grabbed a thin white sash and tied it around her waist with a pouch attached to the back, to keep hand held belongings such as gold coins.

After Fallon was done getting dressed she quickly combed through her hair once over before putting it in a side ponytail, and rushed downstairs to greet her father. As soon as she was in range, the smell of freshly baked bread overpowered her senses, she had to stifle the moan that threatened to spill from her mouth as she reached the living room. "Mmm Bread!" She said as she rushed past her father who continued to work away at some miscellaneous weapon he was working on. "Morning father!" She said between mouthfuls of the sweet wheat.

"Morning sweetheart" he mumbled almost incoherently as he pounded and shaped the metal.

Her father was a rather large man standing at six foot two and although he wasn't fat he was definitely more on the heavier side. You could clearly see the veins bulging from his arm as he worked, indicating he had been at this for quite a while. He was completely bald at the top of his head with a full beard of brown hair that was normally trimmed but currently wild and untamed. She watched him intently as sweat beads formed and traveled down to his brow before dropping to the scorching iron with a hiss. "So, father what is it today? Supply run? Market visit? Ooh I know! Delivery stop!" She said while pointing as if she knew exactly what it was he would soon ask of her. She sighed and dropped her fake smile sliding into a chair at the dining table. Her father gave her a deadpan look then wiped at his brow with the rolled up sleeve of his shirt.

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