Prologue Part 2

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You don't own me!


She sat quietly on the edge of the docks and watched as the water continued to dance wildly, small waves crashing against the foundation. Fallon didn't know exactly how long she sat there mesmerized by the body of water but she knew that looking at herself in it's reflective surface was starting to make her dizzy. Feeling a tingling sensation on her lips as she began recalling the earlier events of the day caused her to start wiping at her mouth furiously. She wanted it gone! Why could she still feel his lips against her own? Had his rejection not been enough for her? Or was she turning into a glutton for emotional punishment? Either way she kept rubbing at her lips until they started to swell with irritation and soon became numb to her efforts. She would occasionally still feel a shiver crawl it's way up her spine like she did when she engulfed him in her arms. Loving the way his calloused hands unknowingly came to rest on her hips.

"Get a grip" she said aloud to herself. Pulling her knees up from dangling over the dock and bringing them into her chest as she wrapped her arms around her legs. A wind stirred up causing her white hair to dance with glee, before falling limply again to lay flat on her back. Her hair was down from her usual up do, it had fallen free while she was running and she had no motivation to put it back up. She looked down to the side of her where her weapon laid flat on the wooden surface. Soon it would be dark and her father would worry, but she couldn't find herself caring enough to actually get up because of that. Sitting here listening to the calming sounds of nature was much more appealing. Soon she even found herself dozing off, that was when she decided to leave the dock in fear that she'd fall in the water and drown which probably felt a million times better than what she was currently feeling. Fallon stood up, dusting off her skirt and picked up her weapon placing it back through a loop on her sash. The walk home was even worse than the run to the docks. Her mind wouldn't give her a break, always finding a reason to return Sebastian. The sound of her heels clicking seemed to grow louder and louder with each step, or was she walking to the beat of her own throbbing migraines? Whatever the case, she couldn't wait to not be walking anymore so she forced her legs to move faster.

It didn't take her long to reach her home. As she drew near, she could hear her father shaping steel but his pace was quite fast for just mindlessly working like usual, which meant he was worried or upset. As soon as Fallon opened the door the banging stopped and she now had her father's full attention. He let out a sigh of relief at the sight of his daughter before rushing over to hug her but she quickly side stepped him and shifted awkwardly on the balls of her feet. He narrowed his eyes at her and studied her for a moment before his face hardened.

"Fallon Ophelia Alderich! Where have you been? Sebastian came by saying that you ran out of training today." He Said while pointing an accusatory finger at her.

She rolled her eyes at the lack of information Sebastian had given her father, making it seem as though she stormed out without having a perfectly good reason. Fallon maneuvered around her father stopping at the edge of the stair from her father's demand for her to stop. She turned on him, fire ablaze in her pale blue eyes. "I went out to the docks!" She raised her voice back at him in retaliation.

"Ophelia! Why were you at the docks?!" He yelled. Silence befell the house as he stared at her, his gaze finally softening taking a step towards his daughter. "Lumi talk to me, why did you run out on Sebastian?" He asked with his fatherly tone which made her angrier than she had been.

"Stop calling me that! I'm not a child anymore!" She replied, making her father's face go blank with a hint of confusion. "And of course Sebastian didn't tell you the whole story! I left because I kissed him and he rejected me! Because of you!" The air around them grew thick with hostility as her father registered her words.

"You what?! Why would you do something so stupid" he asked her.

"Stupid?! No what's stupid is how you're able to have a conversation with my childhood friend about his love life but won't even entertain the thought of me in one! There's nothing stupid about kissing a man that I like and if mom were alive I know she'd agree" she screamed. Watching him intently as he raised his hand as if he would strike her but stopping midway. Fallon flinched a bit having never been hit by her father, the fact that he almost did shocked her. She felt bad for bringing her mom up and immediately opened her mouth to apologize but he cut her off by telling her to go to her room. She dejectedly retreated up the stairs and into the confines of her own room, falling down against the door as soon as she closed it. She felt like crying yet she could not muster up a singular tear. She rested her head against the wood as well, letting her eyes close till she felt sleep over take her...

Fallon watched the silhouette of a man she found quite familiar start to fade and disappear. Even though she couldn't identify the man she threw her hands up in front of her trying to grasp on to the fading image. But it was no use, it was still fading, he was still fading... "Please I'm sorry! I didn't mean it! It was my fault! It was all my fault! I- I please I'm so-" and then nothing, it was like her voice was completely taken away from her, she was aware of her mouth moving but it was void of sound. Tears filled her eyes as she wished he would hear her silent cries and cease to disappear, if only he turned around and wrapped her in his arms then it would all be okay but he didn't. He just completely disintegrated leaving her completely alone. Suddenly the scenery changed and she was surrounded by trees, it seemed to be a forest of some sort. The ground underneath her feet was stripped from her and Fallon began falling. Tree branches scratching up her arms and tearing at her clothes, twigs from the passing tree pulling her hair and getting tangled up in her raven locks. She got turned around as she hit a branch, panic arose in her chest as the ground was coming at her with impossible speed.

"ahhh!" She yelled, throwing out her hands to make a glyph but nothing happened. 'This is it.. I guess I deserve this.' She thought to herself. Fallon just kept falling, the air whizzing past her ears. She squeezed her eyes shut to brace herself for the impending and surely fatal impact. But it never came, everything was silent. She finally opened her eyes to find that the glyphs had finally manifested at her feet leaving her hanging upside down. She was now floating mere inches from the ground as a familiar purple hue surrounded her petite frame. She took a look at the ground in front of her where there was a beautiful Sapphire blue flower protruding from the soil, so dark it blended in with the ominous setting around her. It had an alluring glow to it even though it was a rather dark flower. The flower reminded her of the color of his eyes... She slowly reached her hand out to touch it and suddenly a dark hand covered in ash and soot, erupted from the ground and grabbed her arm pulling her under.


Suddenly she sat up in bed gasping for air, her skin was soaked with sweat. She looked around her room which had grown dark from her nap. She wondered briefly how she ended up in her bed but thought her father responsible so she didn't think much about it after coming to that conclusion. The cool night air drifted in her room through the window causing her to wrap herself in her sheets. She didn't even try to stay up this time as she snuggled into the comfort of her bed drifting off in a dreamless sleep.

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