Prologue Part 3

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Mirror tell me...

Three days... It had been three whole days since her father spoke to her. He barely even looked at her if he didn't necessarily have to. The house became a nexus of negative energy whenever the two were in each other's immediate vicinity, and The worst part was that Fallon had absolutely no idea how to fix it. It was a mess she had made all on her own and was clueless to a solution. Did she regret everything? No. She meant what she said to Sebastian and her father but she did regret bringing up her mother as an argumentative point. The hurt and anger that blazed in her father's eyes as she brought up her mother was still a vivid memory. He had never hit her a day in her life, not even so much as a threat, but as he raised his hand to strike her she couldn't help but feel like it was well deserved. He also hadn't sent her on any errands since then, which meant he took care of it himself and all the labor was starting to catch up to him. His eyes carried the darkest circles she'd ever seen, he'd let his facial hair grow beyond easy grooming length and he was wearing the same clothes he had been wearing since the fight.

Fallon really didn't feel like her presence was helping her father get over their disagreement, so she had got in touch with Aiden about hanging out today just to get out of the house. The air was starting to suffocate her. Mauling over her clothing options carefully she finally decided on a short, glittering dress with a color gradation of blue to pale blue at the hem, a sweetheart neckline, and a white, tulle petticoat. A white ribbon she wrapped multiple times around her waist, and over the outfit she put on a slightly sheer long-sleeved blue shrug fastened at the collar with a large sapphire broach that has three pendants dangling from it. Completing her attire are dark blue wedge heels and sapphire drop earrings. Since it was a bit colder today than it was a few days ago she threw on a red scarf with white design at the ends and pale blue tights. She couldn't be bothered with putting her hair up today and with the current weather she'd benefit more from it being down. With one last glimpse of herself in the mirror she made her way downstairs. Funny that just three days ago she skipped downstairs happily and now she was semi sneaking instead. Just walking into her living room felt more like she was walking into shark infested murky waters.

Soon as she entered her father started pounding away at the weapon harder, something he did when he didn't want to be interrupted. She rolled her eyes at his childish antics. It didn't matter how he felt at this point, she was about to leave the house and she knew he wouldn't be able to let her leave without questioning her whereabouts. As soon as Fallon reached the door, her father's banging stopped immediately and she turned to stare at him with a knowing look.

"Where are you going?" He asked, voice eerily calm.

Fallon wanted to settle this with her father, honestly she really did. But hearing him speak to her for the first time in days with such a tone sent her over the edge. She glared daggers at him and crossed her arms over her chest. "Oh! Good morning to you as well father! Nice weather we're having today isn't it?" She replied with a heavy dose of sarcasm present in her tone.

"Fallon where are you going?" He asked again, this time more sternly.

This only angered her more, she let out a loud sigh filled with annoyance. "You have some nerve father! You haven't talked to me in what? Three days?! Which was alright when I locked myself up in my room like a damsel in distress, but now that I'm going out you suddenly want to ask me where I'm going! I'm getting out of this house because the air here is so full of toxic misogynistic energy that I could actually choke on it! And don't worry I won't be out kissing another man!" She screamed as she stormed out slamming the door behind herself. Fallon rested her back against the wall of her house and ran a hand through her hair in frustration tempted to pull at the ends. She instinctively reached for her rapier but noticed it was not there and probably still on the weapons rack where it stayed when she didn't directly have it in her possession. Well one thing was clear and it was that she was not going back in that house to get it, she didn't need it anyway considering she wasn't training today and Sebastian was probably at his new post by now. "Whatever." She exclaimed lifting herself from the wall and started walking to the destination that her and Aiden had agreed upon. As she walked the sound of her father forging became direct echoes to her own steps.

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