I Think We're Together Now

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The morning light filtered through the curtains as the sound of birds chirped outside. It was truly the dawn of a new day. As you began to wake, everything started coming into focus. The trees swaying in the breeze outside, the silence of the house you were staying in, and as you blinked the sleep out of your eyes you saw the sweetest boy you had ever seen finally resting the way he should. Five's arms were wrapped around your waist as he held you close to him. Even in his sleep, he refused to let you go. Smiling at him, you snuggled into him more, hoping that you could fall back asleep again. This was exactly the life you were supposed to live. One with no worries like an apocalypse, assassins, or time travel. Just you and him getting to have your happily ever after one day at a time. As you started to doze back off you thought about all the things you two would get to do now. You could dance more, you could go on dates, and you could even introduce him to your friends properly.

Oh no. Your friends.

Your eyes shot open wide and worried energy started coursing through your system as you looked around for the nearest clock. Seeing the digital clock across the room you saw the time listed on it. 10:26 AM.

"Shit." You said under your breath

You had almost forgotten in the peace of being with Five but you had promised your friends that you would show up to school the next day if the apocalypse was stopped. If it was 10:26 that meant your friends had already been in school for almost 3 hours probably wondering where you were or worrying that an apocalypse was still upon the world. This wasn't good. You needed to get to them NOW. Carefully, you tried to slide out of Five's grasp but he held you tighter pulling you in closer to him. And unfortunately, what you thought was cute only moments ago was now a barrier to your plan because even in his sleep he refused to let you go. You knew there was only one way you were getting out of this, you needed to phase through his arms. You didn't know how much your powers had been restored by sleeping but you still needed to try. Taking a deep breath you rolled yourself out of bed and through his arms but your reaction time was not great and instead of gracefully getting up you rolled onto the floor.

"ow..." You groaned quietly

Sitting up you held your breath as you saw Five move a bit. The last thing you wanted was for him to wake up after all of his sleepless nights trying to stop the apocalypse. He shifted around a bit more but then you saw as he settled, his arms wrapping around the pillow you were laying on before. Letting go of your breath you quietly got up from the floor and made your way out of the room. Rushing into the bathroom, you brushed your teeth and hair before noticing you were still wearing a majority of the clothes from last night's events. They were covered in ash and blood and there was no way you could walk into school with them on and not get some type of social service called on you. You had clean clothes but they were back in your bedroom. And heading back in there would run the risk of waking up Five, or anyone else for that matter. You did have one option though. Quietly, heading downstairs you saw Luther and Diego sleeping on couches while Klaus was sprawled out on the air mattress. Carefully, you made your way past them and towards the duffle bag that Charlie had provided you with. Looking in the bag you pulled out some of your clothes from the 60s. It wasn't a perfect solution but at least they weren't dirty. Heading into the downstairs bathroom you quickly changed before sneaking towards the back door.

"Where are you going?" You heard a voice call

You jumped a little bit at hearing someone's voice. Turning on your heel you saw Ben standing there with his arms crossed over his chest.

"Jeez Ben, give me a heart attack why don't you? It's not like I didn't already die once yesterday." You whisper yell at him

"That's is exactly why you shouldn't be leaving. You are in no condition to go anywhere." Ben points out

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2023 ⏰

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