Letters Of A Lifetime - "The Roadtrip" Side Story

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December 1st, 1963

Well (Y/N), a lot of things sure have changed since you left. Kennedy is dead. Which I can at least say didn't hurt as much as it would've given that I knew beforehand. But still, it is a big deal and a lot of people have been seriously affected by it. I can just feel the tide of the country changing after this and who knows what will come next because of it. Well, you would know, and you told me some, but not all, so for now I'm partially in the dark.

Also apparently all of the Hargreeves have been branded as part of a large conspiracy to kill the president? They're calling them The Kennedy Six. Bet Diego is going to be pretty fucked up over that given he tried so hard to stop it. Also, they've given Diego an eyepatch and instead of saying he was kidnapped too, now Five is an undercover Soviet agent? It's all very weird. I'm sure you'll be able to read all about it in the future because it's making headlines now. Too bad they won't be able to find you all.

But onto other news that you may not have heard about because why would you? My dad died! According to the authorities, he was brutally murdered. Which in my opinion is truly the only way he should've gone out. He was a fucking asshole with a dumb shellfish allergy. Now I can eat all the crabcakes I want without it triggering him because he's gone. It was real interesting having that conversation with the authorities when they broke the news. I didn't show any emotion and put on a "brave face" because I knew those macho men would buy my stoicism as grief. I was jumping for joy on the inside though. I have a meeting with my dad's lawyer next week to fully discuss his estate, but since I'm his only next of kin I'm pretty much going to get everything. House, money, the works. And I'm already receiving life insurance checks and government benefits because he hit certain mile markers at his job. 

I do have to say, even with all of this chaos keeping me busy, I miss you a lot. It's been hard waking up and knowing I have no one to see, talk to, or be around anymore. I mean Grace has kept in contact with me, but it's mostly out of grief for you. She misses you too and unlike me, she doesn't understand why you had to leave. She thinks you were kidnapped. The whole country does. And who knows, maybe the word has spread internationally. It's a big deal, they have the FBI on the search for you and rewards for any possible tips that lead to your safe return and arrests of the rest of them. It's wild. 

Everything is a bit up in the air right now. The world is out of order and so is my life in a way, but as time moves on so will the world and so will I. I just have to wait to see what comes next.

August 29th, 1965

Oh god (Y/N). I don't know what I'm doing. I have a date tonight. With a girl. And it's not a friend date. It is very much a DATE date. I don't know how this happened. I mean, I do. I was at the local art store picking up some new paint colors because they get new ones in every two weeks. And I've moved slightly away from realism, although it's still my specialty, just because I want to experiment with other styles for my paintings so a wider variety of paints helps inspire me. And so every two weeks for the past four months I go get paint and so every two weeks I saw the clerk girl Madeline. 

Now I had always taken notice of Madeline and she is very pretty but I never told her I thought that because that's weird, especially while she's working. But beyond her looks, she's very knowledgeable about art and we've had some really great conversations about it. She's always been super nice and always made a point to go through all the new paints with me. Now I assumed it was because I was a regular customer and spent a lot on paint. 

But I was wrong. I was so so wrong and oblivious and stupid. Is this what you had gone through thinking your boyfriend didn't like you when he obviously did? Or is this different? I don't know. You're not here to tell me.

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