Chapter 10

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Mari's POV:

I awoke slowly the sound of voices drifting in and out of my hearing as I came to. Slowly I made out what they were saying.

"-sless. Throw it down in the cells. Take the girl to my room, we're going to have a chat."

The first voice was unfamiliar, but the second was unfortunately not.

"No I will have my revenge, you cannot take them from me, foolish human do you realize what you are dealing with?!"

There was a moment of silence, then

"Felix where did you find this pitiful creature."

"I-she- she's been helping me sir."

The voice sniffed before replying.

"How shameful, now foul thing let me tell you something. I know exactly what I am dealing with. You are a Naga and a Mer, who is in possession of an exceptional charm allowing you to be on land in a more- acceptable form. This item you will hand over to me shortly, but first I am going to explain something to you. I know who I am dealing with, but you clearly do not. I am your superior in every way both in power, intelligence, and physical prowess. I am Hawk Moth and after handing over your little bauble you are to get off my island before I decide to have my men rid me of your existence."

Lila laughed.

"How foolish must you be to believe that would scare me. Besides if you were really so powerful why can't you take care of me yourself."

There was a pause then,

"You are simply not worth my time. You must make a choice, now what will it be?"

Lila only laughed once more. She wasn't laughing long. There was a sickening snap then suddenly something thudded to the ground beside me. Something warm pooled beneath me soaking through my clothes that were stiff with salt from the sea. I finally in my panic found the strength to force my eyes open a crack. I found dull and glazed olive green orbs staring into mine. I hated Lila with all of my soul, heck I'd been prepared to kill her myself, but suddenly coming face to face with her corpse was too much for me to handle. I let out a squeak and let my eyes shut once more. What the heck was going on?

Tikki's POV:

Akuji studied me for a moment before replying.


I stared at her uncomprehending. She said the name as if it was supposed to mean something to me. Surprisingly it was Adrien who answered her.

"As in the myth on the Scottish coast? That Lorelei?"

Akuji raised a perfectly arched eyebrow.

"Indeed it seems your human is useful after all. Few pay attention to the legends, and based on your reaction I am assuming you have no idea who Lorelei is."

I nodded and Akuji sighed. She leaned her back against the stone of her chair, her arms loose on the arms of the chair.

"Lorelei is the first. The first Siren, the first Mer, the first of the sea. When the world was born she rose and brought with her the sea, her breathing is the tide, her rage the storms, and her tears the droughts. As time has gone most have forgotten her and she shared her power with others. Poseidon, Oceanus, and others. Still she is older than them all and a thousand times more powerful. She stays near her stone now, her soul now bound to its craggs and cracks, but when she asks, those of the sea obey."

I felt my heart pounding in my chest as I listened to Akuji. I had known of Lorelei, every Mer did, but not by that name. We simply called her the Sea. She was our mother, our friend, and our worst enemy. She gave and she took mercilessly. She was life, she was death, to know that she had a name and a form to interact with, was...was difficult to comprehend. Still when the sea commanded there was no choice to obey. Besides who better to help me save Plagg and Mari???

She's Dead. The witch is dead. BEcause because because becaussssssssssssssssse because she was annoying. I wrote Lila's death and then the song from wizards of oz started playing in my head, you know the one. Anyways here y'all are, it's pretty short for a chapter but I wanted to get one out for you guys this wonderful Christmas week so here we are.

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