Chapter 7

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Tikki's POV:

I stared up at the dark ceiling of my room thinking. I had just talked to Linora and she'd told me what Adrien had said, and admitted to me that she still didn't have any idea of what to do. I needed an idea, a way around Adrien's vicious father, I needed away to get Mari back, and though I'd never admit it, it was even more important to me to get Plagg back. I loved Mari. She was my sister in all but blood, and no way was I letting that maniac have her, but if I was being honest deep down when Felix had first suggested the choice between the two of them, something inside of me had screamed that nothing else mattered except for Plagg. I knew it was wrong, and I had been squashing the feeling down ever since then, but still the thought kept popping up in my head. I kept imagining scenarios where I had to choose between them, and every time I chose Plagg. I groaned and rolled over in the bed staring out the window and at the tree outlined in moonlight just outside my window. The sound of the waves pounding against the stones below the cliff reached my ears and I sighed closing my eyes. I let the moonlight fill me, fill me with power and enhance my senses. Enhance my sens-

I shot upright, and smacked myself in the head. Why hadn't I thought of them sooner. I truly was the biggest idiot in history. I started to leap out of the bed ready to go and tell the others my idea, but then I stopped. Did I really want to go through with this? They weren't exactly the friendliest group of people I'd met. I hesitated sitting on the edge of my bed biting my lip. Slowly I laid back on the bed and closed my eyes once more. I'd tell them about my idea tomorrow and then we'd decide together whether or not it was worth the risk.

******* I, the magical line break named Jeff have returned!!!!!! Mwhaha behold my great power as we skip to the next morning. (That's right y'all Jeff can bend time******

I had bathed quickly and dressed in one of the tunics Linora always kept in this room for me. I also pulled on my spare pair of leggings and my boots cinching my dagger and sword at my waist with my red sash. Then I strode down to the dining hall for breakfast. Both Lin and Adrien sat at the table picking dejected at their food, they both looked up in surprise when I strode into the room. Both their faces lit up with hope when they saw my face, but as Lin opened her mouth I held up a hand.

"I do have an idea, but-"

I glanced between the two of them noticing how both of them tensed at the word, but. I sighed and started again.

"-But its not exactly the safest idea, and I am not totally sure it's even going to work. In fact it has a higher chance of getting us killed then anything else, but still it's a chance."

They looked at each other before both looking at me with determination in their eyes. Lin spoke for both of them.

"Go on."

*******I Jeff have returned riding a flying cambere to take you to visit the others (lol you didn't think We'd actually tell you her plan yet did you)**********

Plagg's POV:

I'd never admit it, but I was glad Mari had healed me. I honestly hadn't even known how I was still conscious. Still I'd told her the truth my death was inevitable. I also had seen the look of determination on her face when I told her I had a plan. I knew that she'd do her best to make sure I made it off this ship with her, and I was willing to let her hope. Cause honestly that's all I had left to give her. I had explained to her how we were going to make a distraction in a few days time on the day of the full moon, and how while they were distracted I was going to use the dagger I'd managed to swipe off Felix to pry out one of the boards down here in the hold, so Mari could get out. While she was escaping I'd hold off the crew. At least that's what I'd told her. The reality was, while she was doing the distraction I was going to use a little something I'd been working on for several years. Tikki had mentioned at one point her doubt that I was completely human, and she was right. I'd always had this...ability to destroy things. I didn't use it very often, it made me feel sick inside, and it left me absolutely exhausted, not to mention I hated destroying things, but prying one board loose wasn't going to cut it. So my freaky powers it was. With any luck it would sink the ship and no one would have to deal with Felix and his crew ever again. The only problem was, I simply didn't have enough energy in me to do my neat little trick, not if I wanted to escape. Over the years I'd quickly discovered that the more tired I was, the more energy my powers drained, and with the shape I was in currently. Well...I knew that I had enough in me for one blast, one blast that would drain every last bit of energy left in my body. Essentially I was going to kill myself to save Mari. I'd honestly never thought it would end this way. Stabbed maybe, poisoned probably, maybe choked to death, but choosing to off myself... Ha yea that definitely hadn't been anywhere on my list of possible ways I would die. Yet here we were, and honestly I wouldn't have it any other way. I would be saving someone I loved, someone who was important to Tikki, the love of my life, and if it made Tikki happy then so be it. I'd almost died for her several times, and I didn't mind doing it for her sister. As long as she was happy then I'd be happy, and I could die in peace.

A/N: So I'm working full time now, on top of school work, and La is hecka busy to, so updates....yea guys not gonna lie they are gonna be either super slow or super rushed depending on how much time we can spend on them. But I swear we aren't abandoning this we're just getting started. We have finally reached the apex of the plot and so things will be pretty action heavy from here on out. So yea, we will try and update when can, but I gotta say 2020 just keeps throwing those punches. My mom recently has been having some serious health issues and I am super worried about her, and I also am currently training to get my drivers license as well as get some things published in an actual physical novel. I have been putting off getting my license for a long time, but now that I have a job and my mom needs more of my help I really just need to get it over with. La also has a bunch of things going on including school and construction at her house, so basically we really do want to update more we just don't have much of a choice. So yea enjoy this for now. I am planning on getting the next chapter up within the next week, but I make no promises. As always Love Yourself, and Fly High!


                                                                                                  Rogue-Rook and Lovelife11

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