Chapter 6

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Marinette's POV:

My eyes slowly adapted to the light from the trapdoor and I watched warily as she descended into the hold. She moved with a strange grace as if she were still a snake, swinging her hips from side to side. She smiled at me, her vicious teeth glinting in the light from above.

"Well hello, Marinette. It's been far too long since we've had the pleasure of meeting. What do you say we have a bit of our old fun?"

Plagg growled in warning and pulled against his chains.

"Don't you dare touch her!"

He yelled, but Lila only laughed.

"Oh I wasn't planning to, you see the fun thing about Marinette is that hurting those she cares about causes her more grief then anything I could do to her. But since you were so rude-"

She trailed off and backhanded me across the face. The blow sent me flying into the wall behind me with a clank of metal as my chains came with me. Plagg made a roaring sound and lunged toward Lila, only to have the chains at his neck and wrists yank him violently back. He let out a strangled yelp as they pulled tight, but was back up within moments thrashing his tail about inside the tank. Lila tapped her chin considering him thoughtfully.

"I must admit, that is quite a trick Tikki performed on you, you even smell like a real mer. How did she manage that exactly?"

Plagg only growled in response, and Lila sighed before walking toward me once more. When she had come only a few feet forward Plagg lunged again, but this time Lila was within range. His single hand stretched toward her, his sharp claws reaching for her smooth skin. She simply held up a hand and wrapped it around his throat. Her nails elongated, becoming claws. They pierced the soft skin of his throat and she smiled as he writhed in her grip. His face began to turn blue as his lungs began to strain for air. Lila tossed him back into the small tank and continued on toward me. She didn't spare him another glance, he simply wasn't worth her time. She crouched down before me, her hands hanging loosely in between us. I snarled at her, and she laughed her head thrown back.

"So you finally grew a spine. Took you long enough, still doesn't matter much now though. After all, you're still no match for me, no matter how defiant you are."

I snarled again and she rolled her eyes before standing to go. Plagg watched her warily, but neither of us could have anticipated her lightning fast strike at his face. Before either of us could react she had struck his face, and then disappeared up the stairs. Plagg stared after her, shocked, seemingly unaware of the blood streaming down his face from the four thin slashes on his cheek. I sighed and touched the bruise forming on my cheek what was going to become of us?

*******Several Hours Later*******

The light of a lantern was shining down at me, slightly blinding me as it pierced the gloom of the hold. I moved my hand to cover my eyes, moving my head away. The sound of my chains clinking was quickly followed by deep laughter. The sickening deep smooth voice of Felix rang through the small space making me bare my teeth in anger. I felt a growl leave my throat as the lantern moved back revealing the villain's face.

"Well hello to you too, darling."

Despite his apparent amusement, something about his tone was hollow as if his heart wasn't actually in the words. The look on his face confused me, he seemed almost conflicted about something, and for a moment he truly reminded me of Adrien. As I studied his face I saw that it was relatively clean, no scars, cuts, bruises, or any of the like. His eyes were cold and hollow never revealing anything but emptiness.

"What do you want?"

I spat, venom dripping with every word. I had healed the bruise on my cheek a little, just enough so it wouldn't throb with pain. Felix sighed as if disappointed in me.

"Nothing from you just yet, I came to take care of our dear little mer-man here we can't exactly have him bleeding out after all every drop of his blood is worth a pretty penny."

I glared at him as he re-wrapped Plagg's wrist. Still neither of us stopped him, we both knew that he was right. If things continued as they were Plagg was going to die, but even as the wrist was wrapped once more I could see it already staining red. If the bleeding didn't stop soon Plagg was dead. Felix frowned as he stared at the wrist, seemingly realizing the same thing.

"I'll have to cauterize the wound, but I don't have any torches aboard."

He thought for a moment then let out a regretful sigh.

" I suppose there's nothing for it, we'll simply have to preserve the pieces until the next port. They are worth less when they aren't fresh, but we don't have much of a choice."

He pulled his knife out of its sheath and I finally realized what he intended to do. I screamed in protest lunging forward and batting the thing away from his grip and latching onto Plaggs arm.

"Don't! I can stop the bleeding, just don't hurt him, please don't kill him!"

Felix narrowed his eyes at me looking thoroughly enraged, but slowly his face calmed and morphed into one of twisted curiosity.

"Very well you can try, but be aware this will only spare him for so long. In the end he will be cut into pieces and sold that is simply the fact of the matter, and the sooner you realize it the better."

With that he stormed off scooping up his dagger and re-sheathing it as he went. As soon as he was gone I started to hum, pushing my magic into Plagg's body. Slowly the wounds on his face closed, and the bruises all over his body faded and disappeared. Finally, I pulled the bandage off his wrist and hummed louder. The horribly mutilated stump of bone and muscle was slowly sealed over by fresh skin. When I was done, I glanced at Plagg. He seemed to be in less pain now and he gave me a small smile.

"You really shouldn't have Mari, but thanks anyway."

I gaped at him.

"What do you mean I shouldn't have?! I just saved your life! Why shouldn't I have done it?"

Plagg sighed and gently stroked my cheek with his one hand. He closed his eyes and leaned against the wall.

"You simply delayed the inevitable. You heard Felix, in the end it doesn't matter one way or another. I'm still going to die, you just prolonged my suffering is all."

I wanted to argue, but he had a point. What could I possibly do to prevent Felix from hurting him even more? In the end there was truly nothing I could do, and that was the worst part. The hopelessness of our situation finally hit me, and I leaned against Plagg sobbing my hands grabbing his shoulders as I sobbed into his chest. He held me to him gently holding me close and whispering in my ear comforting me. He smelled of Tikki, and of home, and it just made me cry harder. Even after months at see the boy I saw as my big brother smelled like home, and that made me realize that I would probably never see home again. I would never see my mom, my dad, Tikki, Alya, or Adrien ever again. Eventually I had run out of tears and I still sobbed, but there was nothing left in my tear ducts to cry. Plagg held me at arms length and stared into my eyes, his leaf green eyes serious.

"Mari, I need you to listen to me alright? I may be doomed, but there is still a chance you can get free. Can you listen to me il mio piccolo?"

I slowly got control of my heaving breath and looked him in the eyes. Confused, but deep in my heart I felt a spark of hope, and even if he said he was doomed, I was determined to make sure it wasn't just me who got off this blasted ship. We would be getting out of this. We had to.


So yes it's been a bit of a wait. Sorry. Here you guys are, the next chapter is finally out. Also for those wondering il mio piccolo means My Little One. Also for those of you wondering what the heck is going on with Adrien, Tikki, and Linora (Lin) you're gonna have to wait till next time, but I can promise that it's gonna be epic. Love yourself and Fly High!


Rogue-Rook and Lovelife11

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