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Continuing from last part........
Its was past six when Mahir woke up and saw Bela sleeping beside him she was lying on her stomach so that the tattoo was visible, he keenly observed the tattoo and it was familiar for him, so he thought to solve the puzzle all by himself. He was thinking about the dream,tattoo and leena he was so confused how can a dream be real,if it is real then who are the couple everything was confusing for him.
Bela woke up and saw Mahir in deep thoughts,she knows all the infos were way to overwhelming for him ,she thought to divert his mind
Mahir's POV:
It's all very weird, that when Bela started to kiss my neck,this girl is ..... I can't lose control over her ,but she started to kiss my forehead ,eyes,cheeks,.. I don't know when I started to blush,I am Alpha of a pack,strongest Alpha of my kind but look because of a girl I am blushing,damn what is she doing

Bela's POV
Aww!!my baby is blushing how cute is he I was wearing a crop top and shorts, I sat on his lap and removed my top,his eyes almost came out from his sockets, smirking I started to remove his shirt,he caught me from my waist and pulled towards him making my soft breasts crash towards his broad muscular chest ,I can even smell his arousal,advantage of being a werewolf
Mahir:what are you doing baby I can't control, I don't want you to regret......
I pulled him for a passionate kiss, how can he talk this much. I pushed him on bed and tried to remove  his pants,now  my man is only with boxers , good enough eat him  he flipped me and  now I am at his mercy,he ripped my bra ,that was my favorite one
Bela:hey!!that was my favorite one
Mahir:unfortunately not mine baby
Such a jerk he is, stupid dog
Wait when did he removed my shorts, now I am nervous
His phone ranged thankfully, sumi ma ordered us to reach home as soon as possible
Mahir:don't worry love I'll not reveal anything to our family
After a thirty minutes we reached,
Arnab:Mahir beta....
Mahir:yes uncle
Arnab:I hope you used protection
God this is so embarrassing ,they must have our arousal, disadvantages of being a werewolf
We had this get to together full night,
Guys this is damn boring Dharshan said
Leena:then let's play something  ..... like truth or dare
All agreed to her,even my stupid boyfriend,
Leena:ok now let's start hope you know the rules
Bela:yay ofcourse, we do let's continue please
Leena:ok di,I'll start the game
We played till 1am, then we slept in the terrace.
Mahir's POV
Everyone slept ,I should leave for that library, my friend vikram said he could help me possibly,he's a wizard of Olympic coven ,he said he saw that tattoo in the ancient library ,I went there to find this idiot flirting with other girl in phone

I hit his head Vikram:ouch bhai,what's this behavior Mahir:I don't have time for this let's goWe went inside wtf where will I find the book that contains about the tattoo I went to Vikram and  asked him about the bookVikram:I don't remember it I d...

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I hit his head
Vikram:ouch bhai,what's this behavior
Mahir:I don't have time for this let's go
We went inside wtf where will I find the book that contains about the tattoo
I went to Vikram and  asked him about the book
Vikram:I don't remember it
I don't believe him and came with him
I saw a different area that attracted me ,it was like I should go there , I saw  a door I touched  the  the statue and the door opened
Wait,how do I know this opens in this manner
Vikram:wow bro how do you know this
Mahir:I don't know
How will I explain this idiot ,we went inside ok now this place looks familiar

I hit his head Vikram:ouch bhai,what's this behavior Mahir:I don't have time for this let's goWe went inside wtf where will I find the book that contains about the tattoo I went to Vikram and  asked him about the bookVikram:I don't remember it I d...

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We were searching for the book,which we don't know ,just going through the pages it was almost 4 in morning ,a book fell down from God knows where

That was creepy enough,  DARK REALM  so this is about demons and all Who cares about this ,I opened the book ,the god of Darkness, KAALIYAN DEV ,so he is is god of darkness, weird name for a God

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That was creepy enough,  DARK REALM  so this is about demons and all
Who cares about this ,I opened the book ,the god of Darkness, KAALIYAN DEV ,so he is is god of darkness, weird name for a God. But why on earth I am looking this... his phone buzzed
Vikram:bro let's leave if the council knows we are here,we land in great trouble
He's got a point,this council was formed many hundreds years ago to protect and maintain peace in supernatural world,basically bunch of oldies
Mahir:yeah let's go
He opened the msg to see it was quite weird msg

"Destiny made you choose the path,you'll turn to your own form when time permits,the path you chose unveils all the secrets, for all the questions the answer is YOU."

fuck what kind of message is this,wait omg I took the book with me,such a idiot I am...
After sometime he returned to his home....

Sorry for the late update guys and thank you for reading
Merry Christmas
Stay safe and love you
Your writer 😘.

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