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Chandrakanta's  POV :
           Life has been a struggle but now its bliss with the ambience my husband created for me here. Yes we got married now  The Luna of the pack, these four years of married life was the best of my life. Waking up in his arms and at the end of the day sleeping peacefully in his arms that’s my perfect life. 
“Mumma,  Mumma"
My two bundle of joy Krish and Mihir  just the carbon copy of their father
Krish:mumm … he was taking small steps towards me followed by little one who is crawling towards me 
I lifted him and placing him in the bed and krish was trying to climb the bed on his own, his antics made me laugh, I helped him too and sat beside them he came near her 
Krish: mummm…. Baby…. And touched my belly 
Yes I’m pregnant we are expecting our third baby and this time is girl. Dev was so stubborn to have a girl child as result I’m pregnant for the third time,  if this was also a boy he’ll definitely try once again. 
Chandrakanta:  yes baby, the little baby will come out soon 
They both smiled and snuggled closer to me. Krish got all the alpha powers with Dev's power that he is the lord of darkness. When he was born , he was born with blue eyes like me. 
Mihir: dadu…
I saw my papa standing with milk , I frowned seeing it 
Rajat: my warriors what are you doing here 
Krish: Baby….. 
He said rubbing my belly aww my baby… 
Papa came and sat beside me 
Rajat: princess drink this.. he said forwarding the glass of milk.
Chandrakanta: I don’t want it papa please 
Rajat: no excuses Dev strictly told me to look after your diet
Protective husband huh
Rajat: don’t curse him in the mind 
I gulped it down.
Chandrakanta: now let me play with my babies, krishuu… Mihi come to mumma 
Small steps towards me….. I realized how lucky how I am to have a perfect husband and two little of us. They came and hugged me we were in bed so they hugged me by my neck. Krish hold both me and mihir in one hand each. Just like his father a protective brother. They both kissed my belly and was talking to my belly in the baby language. I just could watch them every day. 
Ruhi came inside with a gown which is light weight. Oh yeah its Dharshan and heli’s reception it slipped off my mind
Ruhi: so mamma to be take this and I’ll take my cutie pies from here.
Chandrakanta: where’s Dev
Ruhi: he’s  ur husband, you should ask him and she left with krish and Mihir
Chandrakanta:  God this Ruhi. She looked the dress it was so beautiful and simple
Nice choice husband  
Thanks wifey , I’m glad you loved it
Where are you now
Stuck in meetings I’ll see you in 30 mins
He said mind linking her. She sighed and went to get ready. She took a relaxing bath and came out wearing a bathrobe. She stood in front of mirror
Chandrakanta: I’m really fat look at my tummy its huge. Next time When Dev comes near me I’ll just kick him in nuts stupid
Later she wore her dress and was wearing her accessories. Dev came with Mihir in his arms. He saw his wife was struggling with the necklace, he slowly went and back hugged her

Dev: you’re looking fucking gorgeous love  and nuzzled her neckChandrakanta: what are you doing Mihir is here behaveDev: he should know how he came na  and kissed her neckChandrakanta: hmmm

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Dev: you’re looking fucking gorgeous love  and nuzzled her neck
Chandrakanta: what are you doing Mihir is here behave
Dev: he should know how he came na  and kissed her neck
Chandrakanta: hmmm...... you’re such a shameless creature
He turned her and was about to kiss , Mihir started crying
Dev: I know he’s jealous of me , you little puppy and he glared at him
Chandrakanta: Don’t you dare say something about my son or else you’ll be sleeping on couch now go and get ready
Dev: ok I’m going
She smiled seeing him. She went near him and encircled her arms in his neck and kissed him in his cheek and he kissed her forehead and went to freshen up
She went near Mihir and sat on the bed taking him in her arms  and gave him milk, he was so hungry that he was drinking eagerly and was tapping her breast
Chandrakanta: Baby drink properly don’t play
He was smiling seeing her she narrowed her eyes at him
Dev: he loves your breasts like me ,haina baby he said looking Mihir
He smiled waving his hands and legs
Chandrakanta: you are impossible, God
She adjusted her dress and went outside.  After some minutes he came and the party happened with all smiles ,laughter and happiness and it was also extremely tiring for her.
After they came to room he helped her in changing her clothes and carried her to bed and made krish and Mihir to sleep ,came to her and made her sleep
Chandrakanta:  I Love you Dev
Dev:  I love you too baby
After few months she gave birth to a cute little baby girl  Mihika Mahir Sehgal.
                                   ..... ♡The End♡.....

Hey loves how are doing. My first story came to an end. Honestly I didn't even have ideas when I started writing and now I some how completed it. I hope you liked it.
All I want to say is thanks and hugeee hug to all the people who read this ,voted for this  and commented on it. Please do read my other two stories too and do vote and comment guys, I really appreciate if you guys tell me your views.
Love you and stay safe guys
Your writer 😘.


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