I can't live with out you

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Continuing from last part
Mahir:bela,we should leave this place asap
Bela:rogues in our boundary,let me call our pack
Mahir:if they delayed,they can attack us,I can transform  but you can't 
Bela's pov
I can mahir,but if I lost my control of powers, that is dangerous for people around me,these rogues are here for something. I should mind link bhai
While mind linking
Gautham:bela what happened, where are you,why are you tensed
Bela:bhai I there are rogues in our boundary woods,come fast bhai, don't worry I am with Mahir
The rogues attacked Mahir during the time she mind linked.
Mahir gave control to pearl and he transformed

He started to attack the rogues with full power, he killed most of the wolves but one attacked from behind causing him a fracture

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He started to attack the rogues with full power, he killed most of the wolves but one attacked from behind causing him a fracture. Bela shocked to see it her anger overpowered her and she transformed into her wolf form and killed the rogues by ripping their heads off

Pearl was shocked beyond words, he never thought she could transform and her blue eyes was spitting fire, she was beautiful was the only thought in his mind

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Pearl was shocked beyond words, he never thought she could transform and her blue eyes was spitting fire, she was beautiful was the only thought in his mind. After killing everyone,only one left,she captured him and transformed into human form. Pearl too transformed he didn't take his eyes from her,that when she realized she was standing naked but when she saw his eyes, his eyes was fixed on her eyes,his eyes shows pride,happiness towards her.she quickly got dressed and went towards him and kissed his forehead and she saw the fracture that he had in his left hand.
That was the time when everyone came
She was healing his wounds her hands emitted blue color light and she was chanting some lines. She clicked her finger and chanted IGNIS fire appeared in her finger tips and she set a bonfire to make her work easy.
Sehgals including Ruhi was shocked to see the powers of bela.
After this they went back to Dobriyals, made Mahir to rest and kissed his forehead and made him sleep.
Sumi:asha is bela elemental?
Asha:I don't know sumi,she is a healer, but I never knew she is elemental, arnab could you explain what is happening
Arnab:I'm sorry, I knew it before but for her protection I hid it from every one.
Andy:protection, from whom
Arnab:I am not supposed to reveal it now,it time reveals everything.
Dharshan:then bela's life is in danger
Bela:yes,that is the reason I didn't transform from my 18.And my powers were kept subtle. Any one knows this can be killed,and I can't lose anyone.
Mahir:and I can't lose my love.
Bela:mahir, why did you come here, you should rest
Mahir:I'm fine bela
Dharshan:wait a minute, love? Is bela ur mate
Mahir:yes chote,she is the luna of our pack.
Heli:wow!bela di I didn't expect this.
Bela:bhai, what about the rogues, did they have any motive behind attack.
Gautham: I don't know, let me check on him.
Bela:I'll come with you bhai
Mahir:I'm accompanying you
Bela:no your not
Mahir:I'm not asking permission love,I'm informing you.
Bela:keep your stupid information with you,you're not coming anywhere, it takes 12-13 hours for you to recover
Bela:you are not going anywhere ,
got it.
Dharshan:wow!did Mahir the alpha,obeyed.you are awesome bela.
Mahir:shut up stupid.
Bela:sumi ma please take care of him,he shouldn't move from his bed.
Sumi:ok bahurani
Later,bela and gautham went to their prison , that is in underground of the Dobriyals mansion.
Gautham:he is injected wolf bane in small quantity.
Bela:( to the rogue) why did you attacked us,who told you to?
Rogue:no one, you were beautiful, so we thought to abduct you and make you as our sex slave.
Bela:ohh so rogues have a own place then, interesting .
She hit him so hard,that he started bleeding
Bela: I need the truth,  not ur stupid lie,who gave you money.
He refused to say, so she move ahead kept her hand on his forehead to see who it is.
She saw someone gave a huge amount to kill Mahir. She breaks his neck in anger her eyes glowed . Gautham was scared seeing her like this,she composed herself.
Bela:bhai,let's go
Gautham:but, bela
Bela:I said let's go, bhai
They went back,she ran into Mahir's room,she saw he was standing near window, she ran and back hugged him.
Mahir:what happened bela?
Bela:nothing Mahir, just I can't even think a life,without you.
Mahir:same baby,you know these six months, I thought of dating others too.
Bela:so did you date anyone
Mahir:you're not jealous
Bela:why would I be,I am possessive,and most importantly I know you won't go to other bitches
He just pulled her for a soft and gentle kiss............

Hey guys I hope ur liking my story
Plz do tell ur reviews
Live you and stay safe
Yours writer 😘.

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