Real or Reel

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Continuing from last part

Bela went into deep of woods, her mind was fuzzy,she started to punch a bark of tree after a while,the tree broke down and she noticed blood was flowing from her knuckles, she noticed the wound started to heal,its normal for a werewolf. She sat down and closed her eyes,she saw a girl with tattoo

 She sat down and closed her eyes,she saw a girl with tattoo

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That design was so familiar to her.
Bela:what the hell was that,am I getting visions, that tattoo was way too familiar but where did I saw that.
That time Mahir,mindlinked her
Mahir:bela,where are you,it half past seven
Bela:I am fine Mahir don't worry I'll be there in half an hour.
Mahir:ok come fast, I've got a surprise for you.
I should find that tattoo and the girl and boy who are they?
After that she went to the mansion and when she went to the room,she saw Mahir came and hugged her
Mahir:are you alright, you were upset from yesterday evening and that nightmare,tell me what's bothering you?
Bela:its nothing, I need to freshen up I'll be back
She went to bathroom without even glancing Mahir, this hurted him but he knows that she's afraid of something.he can sense her aura was emitting fear,and that is a power only he has un whole werewolf kind.
Ruhi:Mahir come down you've got whole  day to romance
Mahir:yeah whatever,giraffe
Sumi:what's this you're gonna get married but still you are fighting with him.
Ruhi:he's the one who started
Mahir:no mom,she's....      
Sumi:now both of you shut up. Where's is bela
Mahir:she's taking bath mom
Sumi:ok come fast for breakfast,come Ruhi
After some time Bela came with a towel and sat in front of mirror and applied moisturizer
Mahir was looking at her,he noticed a tattoo at her back,he came and hugged her backwards
Mahir: you never said that you had a tattoo,and I too failed to notice it
Bela:what tattoo you are talking about
Mahir:wait,I'll take a picture of it,remove ur towel
Bela:I'm not gonna remove it
Mahir:ok just losen it ok
And she did,he took a picture of it

 Where's is belaMahir:she's taking bath momSumi:ok come fast for breakfast,come RuhiAfter some time Bela came with a towel and sat in front of mirror and applied moisturizerMahir was looking at her,he noticed a tattoo at her back,he came and hugge...

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Bela:what the fuck
She was so confused about the tattoo on her back
Mahir:why are you confused seeing this
Bela:Mahir I want to talk with you
Mahir:tell me I'm listening
Bela:not now,let's go down
They went to dining hall to see

She was shocked to see her,she was  seeing her after 6 months, before marriage bela was too much attached to Anita ,she was like a second mother to herMahir:how's my surprise, loveShe jumped and hugged him and whispered I love you to himRohit:aree...

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She was shocked to see her,she was  seeing her after 6 months, before marriage bela was too much attached to Anita ,she was like a second mother to her
Mahir:how's my surprise, love
She jumped and hugged him and whispered I love you to him
Rohit:aree we are here ,give us attention,belu
She hugged him and cried in his arms
Anita:aww, you missed me that much chutki
Bela(while weeping):no I didn't miss you, I missed only jiju not you
Saying this she hugged her,Anita know how much she loved and was dependent on her
Bela:did you both eat something
Before they answer she pulled them to dining table and served Anita's favorite food and started feeding her
Rohit:feed me also na belu
She smiled and  fed him,everyone adored their bond and Anita fed her
After break fast she went to the room where she rested on anita's lap and rohit was strocking her hair, Bela was thier first child to them,they always pampered her and loved her
Anita:chutki,is Mahir good to you,takes care of you
Bela:ofcourse di, he's the best di
Rohit:you know bela,you can share anything to us
Bela:I know jiju, jiju if baby is born  you'll not love me as before no
Rohit:bela,you will always be our first priority,don't say this again.
She smiled at him,Rohit phone ringed he spoke with the person
Rohit:ani,leena is coming here
Bela:who is leena di
Rohit:she's my sister
Bela:ohh never heard of her
Mahir came to the room
Mahir:if you guys don't mind can I borrow my girlfriend
Bela:I'm not coming with you
Mahir:love I'm not asking you,I'm asking  ani and rohit
Anita:ofcourse mahir
She refused him so he picked her and went to their room
Bela:you monster, leave me
Mahir:as you say love
And throwed her in the bed and hovered her and nuzzled her neck and kissing there
He captured her lips and kissed her passionately and cuddled her
Mahir:I missed you
Bela:I love you too,Mahir can you come with me at night
Mahir:is this the way you ask for a date
Bela:its not date,I want talk to you about something, and still I'm confused about it
Mahir:ok bela,come mom is calling us
They both went down a girl came running and hugged mahir,she saw that girl and was shocked

irHe captured her lips and kissed her passionately and cuddled herMahir:I missed youBela:I love you too,Mahir can you come with me at night Mahir:is this the way you ask for a date Bela:its not date,I want talk to you about something, and still I'...

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Hey guys sorry for late update
Love you and stay safe
Your writer 😘.

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