The untold story

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Continuing from last part....
Bela was missing,this agitated Mahir,because it was moon REALM and he can sense the same energy he felt in the farmhouse, but can't exactly identify what kind of power it is
But other three understood who did this
Leena: ok Dev let's go ,we should find her before something happens
Mahir: who the hell has courage to come here and take the moon princess
Amba: we don't have time ,just try to find her
Chandrika: she is  in earth
Leena:What she's in earth,let's go
Amba: no take him to his REALM the dark REALM, the God of Darkness has returned... he should get his powers,which is buried in his realm
We went there I stood at the entrance a kind of happiness felt it. The power which was more stronger, leena stood there with scared expression, because that place is "The Hell" he took a step forward the gates flung open,leena held his arms
Mahir:Dont get scared chandni
He went inside his clothes changed like magic,decked in black pants and a long coat ,all the memories flashed in his mind and a tear made it way and fell on the floor, a flower immediately Grown,leena was shocked to see this.

 The power which was more stronger, leena stood there with scared expression, because that place is "The Hell" he took a step forward the gates flung open,leena held his arms Mahir:Dont get scared chandni He went inside his clothes changed like ma...

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Every creatures there immediately recognizing bow down in front of him

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Every creatures there immediately recognizing bow down in front of him. He went to his castle, smiling all the way

 He went to his castle, smiling all the way

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He entered in a man came and hugged him

He was Viren,he was just like a brother to Dev ,viren can't believe he saw his best friend again after a century

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He was Viren,he was just like a brother to Dev ,viren can't believe he saw his best friend again after a century. After the death of both Kaaliyan Dev and Chandrakanta, both the Goddesses chose him to look after this REALM. The death of his love Chandrakanta greatly affected Dev and chose to avenge and the curse ,he was born as Mahir, in the human world.
Viren:you came again just as you promised 
Dev just smiled seeing him,he know that he'll miss him.
he turned and saw vish, wife of viren

She was an innocent soul ,in process of purifying her for the mistakes, viren fell in love with her and married her

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She was an innocent soul ,in process of purifying her for the mistakes, viren fell in love with her and married her.
Vish came and hugged him ,tears were flowing dev wiped her tears. When she saw chandni immediately her face changed ,angry  on her but Dev assured her through his eyes
They went inside and saw his locket he remembered this was the last thing if Chandrakanta ,tears made their way just the thought made his heart bleed
Viren and vish thought of asking about  Chandrakanta ,but they shrugged all thoughts he took it and wear it
Dev: iss bhar tum kuch nahi karpovgye, last time you were successful but this time I'll kill you with my own hands.
Viren:come on we'll go they went the a large room,where there was a large throne and smaller one a little bit lower the smaller one vanished Dev came and sat on it
Dev:you'll be the devil queen,when you'll marry me
Chandrakanta:I don't want to be devil queen,I  want to be queen of heart
Dev:that you're love
Chandrakanta: Now come on you're lazy getup and do your work
He pulled her,that she landed on his lap she was shocked by his sudden act he pulled her more that her bosoms were crushed by his broad hard chest ,
Chandrakanta:what are you...
Her words vanished in his mouth, his lips came in contact with hers,his one hand were at her back and other was in her thigh rubbing it,her hands travelled to his hair and fisted it and pulled him ,she was hovering him and after some minutes they broke the kiss. He kissed her forehead and got up and made her sit on the throne

She smiled at himFlashback endsThe thoughts of her, made him feeling useless that he saw his love die in his arms,now she was kidnapped

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She smiled at him
Flashback ends
The thoughts of her, made him feeling useless that he saw his love die in his arms,now she was kidnapped.
Dev:I want my sword, I'll separate his head from his body today
Viren clapped his hands a majestic sword appeared and it directly went to Dev

This is when everyone realizes  KAALIYAN  DEV, GOD OF DARKNESS is backEveryone went on the knees and bow down,because the aura over powered everyone,with thier knowledge they bow down to him

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This is when everyone realizes  KAALIYAN  DEV, GOD OF DARKNESS is back
Everyone went on the knees and bow down,because the aura over powered everyone,with thier knowledge they bow down to him...

Hey loves, hope ur doing great
Do vote and comment , the votes and comments are really boosting me to write more,thanks for voting and commenting.
●Who do think kidnapped bela?
●Will Dev be able to save his Chandrakanta this time?
Still bela didn't get her memories of past life,how Dev will make her remember
For that stay tuned..
Love you and stay safe guys
Your writer 😘.

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