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Next day, Sid left for the venue at noon while Punit and Ayesha met each other directly at the fair close to seven.

"Man! This place is crowded." Commented Ayesha as she entered the venue.

"It's a fair. What did you expect?"

"Certainly not this much crowd and not this much garbage lying around here and there."

Truthfully, there were few paper plates and disposable spoon lying around. Throughout the venue, there were twenty trash cans and yet there were a handful who somehow felt too lazy to put the used plates and the spoons into one.

"Why don't you complain to the event manager?" Mocked Punit. "He is a good friend of mine."

Ayesha coldly side-eyed him and said, "If you are done being funny, can you call Sid and tell him that we are here?"

Punit didn't dare to push his luck anymore and informed Sid about their arrival. After five minutes of waiting, Sid arrived with Sanjh accompanying him.

"Sorry to make you guys wait," apologized Sid. "But look who I have got."

"Wait! Sanjh! Is that you? What happened to your hair?" Asked Ayesha as they exchanged hugs with each other.

"Took a break from long hair," smiled Sanjh. "This is very easy to tackle and move around with."

"So, you are also into event management?" Asked Punit.

"Nope. I have a stall here."

"Of what?"

"I have a travel company."

"Seriously? You too?" Ayesha couldn't hide her astonishment. "First Punit and Sid and now you too?"

"But what happened to your goal of having a fancy degree and a fancy job?" Questioned Punit.

"They are scratched out of the bucket list."

"Once she started traveling, she found her true calling." Added Sid.

"So where have you travelled yet?" Asked Punit.

"India, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Bhutan, China, Japan, U.S.A, Canada, Australia, Maldives Greece and New Zealand." Replied Sanjh.

"That's – that's amazing!" Exclaimed Ayesha. Punit didn't find words suitable enough to describe his bewilderment.

"Anyways, I need to go now. My team needs me. We should sometimes hang out together."

"Yeah, sure." Agreed Ayesha.

Once Sanjh went back to her stall, Ayesha murmured, "She looks cute in short hair." She turned towards Punit and asked, "Should I trim my hair short?"

Punit was in awe of Sanjh. "Seriously! She has travelled half the world, has a start-up of her own, definitely looks like she works out regularly and all we are just going to talk about is her hair? Isn't there anybody else who is suffering from a tremendous inferiority complex at this moment?"

"You have to say it loud, don't you?" Asked Ayesha at a seemingly agreeable tone.

Punit looked at Sid and asked, "I just have two questions. Why don't we have a start-up that revolves around traveling? And why aren't you guys still together? She is hot, independent and a globe trotter. What more do you want?"

"Let's not start this again. You guys are here to enjoy the event. So why not we focus on that?"

"Absolutely," approved Ayesha. "Let's emphasis on having a good time. I am not a huge fan of Sanjh but I can't deny that as much I am impressed by her, I am that much depressed by myself. So let's focus on something else."

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