Chapter 6

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This year so far has been...surreal to say the least. Actually, it doesn't even begin to cover it. Not even close. This year has actually been somewhat of a full fledged freakin miracle. 

I was happy, for starters. I woke up, and didn't think about killing myself every once in a while, just so that I wouldn't have to go through the ordeal of Harry one day doing it. I wouldn't want that on his conscience. I still loved him too much for that. Even after everything he has put me through in my relatively short life, that much has never changed.

I had Ryan- this mean a lot of things for me. It meant that I'd had my first real kiss if you know what I mean; I had a reason to look forward to going to school now; I didn't get bullied as much.

The last clause was the biggest change in my life thanks to Ryan. Harry backed off. He still hated me- that was obvious. He still shot me glares in the hall, pushed me down when he was nearby, and last week yelled 'fag" so loud in the caf people from the office at the end of the school popped thier heads out of their offiice to see what was going on ( I noticed that as I was running by to the mens room to get rid of my stupid tears). But still, it had been a month and a half without one serious beating- Niall included. 

Ryan was amazing. At school, he was always at my side when he could be, kissing me, hugging me.  I felt like an actual person when he was around- whole. Niall loved him too- and vice versa. They were both my rock, and they both made me laugh- because, now that Ryan was here, my world had meaning, and things like laughter, seemed so... right! I was always smiling, always looking for a reason to laugh, to joke, to be happy, to be my old self. At home, Ryan was even more amazing. He was...perfect. With him, I almost forgot...him

Right now, we were snuggled up under a warm blanket, watching Fast Five and inhaling a bowl of buttered popcorn. He had told me it was my turn to make the snacks, so naturally, I broke three glasses and dropped a can of soda, and the popcorn was soggy as hell because I had put nine times the amount of butter necessary. Still, when I sat down blushing and apologizing, Ryan kissed me, and told me I was amazing, making me blush even more. 

"So...that Christmas dance is coming up...its actually on Friday, don't know if you've noticed the signs in school..." Ryan said in between munching on food. He kept his eyes focused on the screen, but I could tell the rest of him was entirely paying attention to how I replied.

"Ry, theres signs ever two feet, and an announcement after every class. Not to mention, the cheerleaders came into the caf today and did a whole song and dance about it....literally. How could I not notice?" I asked, laughing. 

"Oh, right." He said, rattling in a breath. "Well, see I was actually wondering had given any consideration into...going...with, you know, me?" He asked, still not looking at me, but his cheeks were growing red, even in the dark light of the living room. 

I blushed also. Ryan had...Ryan was thinking about this a while, obviously. He go...with me? Even though it would look weird, and probably end badly for him, having to be seen inpublic with me....he still...

my heart was flooded with an extreme amount of love and excitement and happiness right then. I flipped over and sat on his lap, kissing him passionately, the popcorn flying across the room and landing god knows where- no doubt I'd be cleaning it up for weeks. 

"I'll." Ryan laughed, in between kisses. I smiled, kissing him harder. I really liked this boy.


"Lou, are you sure you wanna go to this thing?" Ryan asked me for the umpteenth time. I nodded quickly. "You sure? Because you look like you're going to pass out at any given moment...." He asked, sounding unsure. I blushed, knowing it was probably true. I had looked in a mirror before leaving the house- I was ghost white and my teeth were chattering. 

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