Chapter 12

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Late update,....matches the rest of the story though i guess lol :/ sorry! Now im just lazy, Im sorry, i love you all, 



It has been a crazy couple of months- in so many good ways, in so many bad...mostly good though. About a week after Harry came out, some of the jocks took it upon themselves one night at a party Harry had dragged me to convince him he wasn't gay. They got him piss drunk, and threw Mariah, the skankiest whore at our school on him. While he was being dragged upstairs, I got dragged outside, beat the hell out of, and thrown into a pool where I almost drowned if Harry hadn't seen me from an upstairs window and jumped out of it. The cops were called after Harry, Liam and Zayn beat the shit out of every one of those guys- all nine of them had girlfriends who were stupidly shrieking thier heads off. While I got rushed to emergency, Harry spent the night in jail- but raced to see me the second he was out. He was crying, and shouting, and apologizing....I loved him so much.

After that things went pretty silent at school- that awkward silence no one wants to mention, but everyone can feel, which sucked just as much. I was now ignored completely and wholeheartedly by the whole school population, and everyone treated Harry hesitantly, like he might blow up any moment. 

THEN things started to get better. Us kissing in the halls didn't make people stop and look away awkwardly- it was just accepted. People didn't go out of thier way not to bump into me in the halls, Harry and his group of friends were treated like they ruled the school again- everything was fine. Better than fine- this was more than I had every expected. This was amazing- I was content with this.

It turned out Liam and Zayn were two of the nicest more loyal friends ever, and honestly I couldn't hang out with them without them fighting over paying for my food, or my movie ticket, or whatever it was we were doing- "I feel horrible for what I did to you, Lou, tell Zayn to let me pay!"- those two would fight so much that they would stop paying attention to me when I slipped by them and just gave the poor waitress my money. They were nice, really nice, and I'm glad I can now count them as my friends. 

Niall was still my best mate, and honestly it was funny how many girls talked to him now that he was part of the "in" group- I rolled my eyes every time one of them flirted with him, because once they left he would turn to me and wink saying something stupid like "yeah baby, who got the Irish charm? / got the Irish charm!" 

Harry and I...were amazing. Its like all the time we hadn't been together was forgotten, all in the past- for me. When anyone brought it up to Harry, this look would flit through his eyes, and he woulnd't be the same for days after. If you talked to him about it, he would usually cry, which made me cry, and then we would kiss like there's no tomorrow (because niether of us were ready to have...coitus yet) (A/N coitus...big bang theory- anyone? :P). Every monthly anniversary he shows up at my house at like 5 in the morning to make breakfast for my family (my mom didn't let him in the first month...but she's coming around to him again. Last night even laughed at one of his jokes! And she stopped calling him asshole under her breath weeks ago!) , and then we would do something special the whole day - skipping school if need be. Exactly 30 days ago, for our sixth months, we went to a trip to his dad's cottage, which had been amazing- the second day Niall, Liam, and Zayn came, and we spent the weekend drinking and laughing- it had been awesome. 

That night, by the fire, Harry had been staring at me so long I blushed, asking him what the fuck he was doing. He had laughed, leaning his adorable curls even closer to my face, whispering in my ear while I breathed in his sexy scent.

"Next month, I promise will be even more special." I had shivered both at his words and his touch, loving him so close to me, hating him when he pulled away again. He was my Hazza, he was the best, I was so lucky. 

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