Chapter 3

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Well...that was quite the welcome. The only reason I was in the cafeteria was because Niall was moaning on the floor in the hallway where we usually ate lunch about how hungry he was, but was too broke too do anything about it. I offered to buy him something and he perked right up- even though he already had four sandwhiches and a full sized bag of Sweet Chili Heat Doritos. Fat bastard... (not actually. He was still smaller than I was). I had sighed but gotten up. Even if he hadn't come out and asked me directly....

I can't resist those damn puppy dog eyes. He was the best ever at them, honestly. His eyes were so cute and blue, and with that adorable Irish accent... I smiled just thinking about what a charming manipulative little twerp he was. If he wasn't so nice, sincere, and innocent, I would think he was in the making to be a pyschopath.

I was just texting him asking what he wanted, when I was pushed off my feet, flying through the air.. till a hand caught me. His hand. I was shocked. I just stared up into his perfect face, wondering why the hell he had done that. The funny part was he was obviously questioning himself also. For a second I thought he was going to pull me all the way up, before his green eyes turned icy sharp again, and his hand slid away from mine. I landed with a thud and groaned. Ew, I think I just landed on a fry. 

"Don't ever fucking touch me again." He had snipped at me before nearly running out of the cafeteria. I got up (yep- definitely a fry) and walked into the nearly nonexistent lunch line- everyone knew the food here was overpriced and tasted like greasy dog shit...not that I would know from experience. 

Honestly, for a moment I was hurt by his harsh words, but it's not like I really had any high hopes of anything nicer coming from his lips. He had changed, as had I. While he became more popular, I sunk until I was absolutely invisible- even our little transaction five seconds ago- all eyes went to Harry, and the moment he was gone, all eyes went back to whatever the hell else they were doing. While Harry got even more attractive, I was this lanky freak with a fringe. While he was confident and happy with his life, I was...


How could two people who six years ago were exactly the same in every way, change so completely from one another. How?

The question didn't matter. I already knew the why- that being, one of the best friends (me) fucked it up and admitted to liking boys, which apparently ruined everything. 


I was honestly laughing so hard my stomach was aching, and Harry was beside me, tears streaming out of his eyes. That was hilarious- who knew that putting a thumbtack on the teachers chair would be so freaking funny? I'd never seen anyone yelp like such a girl before Mr. Edwards plopped his fat bottom down on his rickety wooden chair. 

It had happened ten minutes ago and we were sitting in front of the principals desk trying to explain why we were down here, and it was still the funniest prank Harry and I had ever pulled off.

"Well? I really doubt whatever you two hoodlums did this time is that humorous." Principal Rodgers scolded, crossing his arms. I bet he hated us- we were in his office more times than the secretary no doubt. 

"We..." I began, before bursting into laughter. Why was this so funny? I have no idea, but I couldn't control myself. 

"We...and then....I'm sorry, I'm trying..." Harry tried answering in between fits of laughter.

Needless to say twenty minutes later our mums were called and we were both suspended. We sat there in the backseat of Harry's stepdads car (both our mums were at work), trying to hold back smiles as Harrys stepdad rolled his eyes.

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