Chapter 4

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Hope its going okay! Thanks for readin- and aamidnightdirection and bubbarosieconfuzzle (spelled those right I hope....:S) for commenting!!! :DDDD



It had been a week since that little incident in the cafeteria, and I couldn't bring myself to even look at him. I don't know why, but, God, that had been...

I don't know.

I knew for a fact that Liam and Zayn weren't letting up on him, since he walked by me in the hall this morning with yet another black eye. I felt a twinge of guilt, but like all the other times I've felt like I wanted to kill myself for hurting him- or being the reason others hurt him- I pushed it aside and ignored it. It wouldn't change anything. It was too late for all that.

And yet, when I sat down in my seat across the room from Louis, he looked over at me nervously. Weird, since he usually doesn't make eye contact with anyone, especially me (another stab of guilt at destroying his once brilliant confidence). I hated him. If I reminded myself that, it was all good.

"Harry Style, you'll be in a group with Mr. Tomlinson over there." said Mrs. Barnes, waving her hand in Louis' general direction. So that's why he was looking at me like that.

"What?" I asked, shocked. "Don't we get to pick our partners? I don't want to work with him." I said, looking at him like he was some disease. A few people in the class snickered, and like usual I wanted to get up and punch them for laughing at something so cruel about him.

Which made absolutely no fucking sense, but didn't change the fact that it was true.

"Now, now Styles, be nice. It goes in alphabetical order for this project, S and T and right next to each other, its too late to change it and I wouldn't even if I could- we're all friends here." She said, sounding stoned like she usually did. Honestly, she always wore these vibrant headbands and tie-dye shirts. Talk about stuck in the seventies...

There was no point arguing with her, but I couldn't bring myself to go over and sit with him. I hated him. I felt my knuckles clench in disgust, grinding my teeth together. I saw Louis look down at his notes, and knew that he wasn't stupid enough to come and sit beside me. While all the other partners found a seat next to each other, Louis and I sat alone on opposite sides of the room, looking everywhere but at one another until the bell rang.

From there, I swiftly rose from my seat and strode over to his desk, where he was still getting his things together. I slammed my hand on the desk, making him jump. I leaned in, making sure he had no choice but to make eye contact.

"This project- write my name on it once your done." I said, before getting up and leaving.

"But, wait!" He spoke, looking like he instantly regretted when I turned around, probably looking angrier than I was. "It's...a self evaluation of how you feel about yourself, shown through someone elses eyes." He mumbled, not looking directly at me.

"What the fuck does that even mean?" I asked him, sounding sarcastic and harsh. Damn, I was an asshole. But I hated him.

"You tell me what you think of yourself, and then I portray it, and vice versa. I don't know...that's just what she said..." She muttered.

"I think of myself as the most popular kid in school. Draw that." i answered, turning back and leaving before he could try and talk to me again.

Really, the most popular kid in school? No, that's not how I pictured myself. A horrible human being? Yes. A liar, a douche bag? Yes. Heartless? Definitely. But it's not like I could very well go and tell him all those things, now could I?

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