HAPPY BIRTHDAY, HARRY!!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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00:00. Wow! Yeah, it's really but I can't belive! Our love's fullfiling today 21 years!

I feel the need to tell him some words:

Oh my Gosh! I can' belive! At last, it's the first day of February, your 21st birthday! I counted the days, the hours and the minutes until this moment! I hope you have a lovely day with your friends and family and, of course, I must wish you "Happy Birthday, Harry!". Even if I don't know you personally, I know you and your band mates are the best people ever. I love you, I love your voice, I love your character, your smile, your curls, your "IRRESISTABLE" eyes, I love all at you! Maybe you're think I'm just a fan, but I'm not. I'm "MORE THAN THIS". "RIGHT NOW" I thank you for all, you learned us "WHAT MAKES YOU BEAUTIFUL", you told us we have "LITTLE THINGS" that make us have "ONE THING". We're must "LIVE WHILE WE'RE YOUNG" and be "FOREVER YOUNG". In "ONE WAY OR ANOTHER", we'll see face to face 'cause "I WANT" to say these things even me, but my actions will be "BETTER THAN WORDS". Anyway, happy birthday, my sunshine! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Let's say to him the best wishes! ❤️

P.S: Of course, today I'll post Harry marathon facts.

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