Act 1 Scene 1

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Verona, a public place.
Enter Hook Hand and Ulf armed with swords and small shields.

Hook Hand: Gregory on my word, we won't tolerate insults. We'll draw.

Ulf: Ay while you live, draw your neck out of the collar.

Hook Hand: I strike quickly, being moved. A dog of the house Montague moves me.

Ulf: The quarrel is between our masters and us their men.

Enter Hook Foot.

Hook Hand: Quarrel! I will back thee.
Fear me not. Let us take the law of our sides. Let them begin.

Ulf : I will frown as I pass by, and let them take it as they like.

Hook Hand: Nay as they dare. I will bite my thumb at them, which is a disgrace to them.

Hook Foot: Do you bite your thumb at us sir?!

Hook Hand: No sir, I do not bite my thumb at you sir but I bite my thumb.

Ulf: Do you quarrel sir?

Hook Foot: No I don't sir.

Hook Hand: If you do. I am ready to fight you.

Hook Foot: You lie?!

Hook Hand: Draw if you be men!

He drew his sword pointing at Hook Foot. Then they begin fighting.

Enter Lance. He quickly steps in between the two.

Lance: Stop fools! Put down your swords!

Enter Eugene.

Eugene: What art thou Benvolio, drawn among them..these cowardly peasants. Look upon thy death.

Lance: But I keep the peace. Put down your sword or use it to stop this fight.

Eugene takes grasp of his sword.

Eugene: What drawn and talk of peace. I hate them all, Montagues and you! Let's fight, coward!

They fight. Several others from the houses came to join with clubs and weapons.

Enter Arianna and Frederic.

Frederic: What is that noise? Give me a sword!! Ho!

Arianna: Why do you call for a sword?

Frederic: My sword, I say! Old Montague coming!

(A/N I'm sorry I'm kinda running out of characters. I'll change the names later ;^;)

Quirin: Thou a villian Capulet, villian!

Prince: Rebellious subjects listen to me! Throw your mistempered weapons to the ground. By thee Capulet and Montague have disturbed the quiet of our streets. If you ever disturb our streets again, your lives shall pay!
You Capulet come with me, all men depart!

Exit all but Benvolio, Montague and Lady Montague.

Quirin: Who had started this quarrel? Speak nephew. We're you at it when it began?

Lance: Here were the servants of your adversary. I drew to part them, but then the fiery Tybalt came, with his sword prepared. Then came more and more and fought on part and part, till the Prince came who had parted them all.

Lady Montague: O, where is Romeo? You saw him today? How glad I am he was not at this fray.

Lance: Madam, an hour before the sunrise, I saw your son, underneath the Grove of sycamore. Towards him I made, and measuring his affections by my own. I followed my inclination by not following him. And gladly avoided, who then gladly fled from me.

Quirin: Many a morning hath he there been seen,with tears increasing the fresh morning dew. Away from the light steals home my heavy son. And shuts himself in his room,locking fair daylight out.

Lance: My noble uncle, do you know why?

Quirin: I neither know it nor can learn from him.

Lance: See where he comes, so please you step aside. I'll know his grievance, or so much be denied.

Quirin: I hope that staying, you will hear Romeo's confessions.

Exit Montague and Lady Montague.
Enter Romeo. (( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°))

Lance: Good morrow cousin.

Varian:   Is the day so young..

Lance: Just now struck nine.

Varian: Ay me! Sad hours seem long.

Lance: It was. What sadness lengthens your hours? Love?

Varian: Out-

Lance: of love?

Varian: Out of her favour, where I am in love. What is it else? A madness most discreet,a choking poison and a preserving sweet. Farewell my coz.

Lance: Hold on! I will go along. Tell me in sadness who is that you love?

Varian: What, shall I groan and tell thee?

Lance: Groan, why no-
But still tell me who.

Varian: From love's weak childish bow, she lives uncharmed. O, she is rich in beauty.. She is too fair, too wise, wisely too fair. She hath forsworn to love and in that vow. Do I live dead that live to tell it now?

Lance: Listen to me, forget about her.

Varian: I teach me how I should forget.

Lance: By giving liberty, onto thine eyes. Examine other beauties.


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