Meeting The Mother (Chapter 6)

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Chapter 6! Have fun with this chapter!

(N/N) = Your Nickname


Glitch: Okay who's coming because I know not everyone can go

Nezu: I'd like to go

All Might: I'll go! HA HA HA

Hawks: Sounds fun!

Midnight: I can't I have a date with someone!

Mt. Lady: I have hero stuff to attend to, sorry!

Endeavour: I'm gonna be training with Shoto

Aizawa: I'll come I guess...

Mic: Me too! I'm coming!

Shinsou: I have classes so Ima just...*Leaves*

Glitch: Mkay and the chief is coming?

Cheif: Mhm *Bark*

Glitch: Okay lets go, now a friend of mine wanted to meet up and he's probably there now, and if you try to fuck with him I'll kill you without hesitation

Everyone coming: O-Okay...

-At Glitch/Siri's house-

*Glitch opens the door and lets the hero's in first* Siri I'm homeeee!

*Siri comes downstairs in a blue hoodie and black sweatpants on* Siri: Hey (Y/N) dear how are you?

Glitch: Good, the hero's wanted to see you for something so I brought them here

Siri: *Sigh* I told them not to contact me again but whatever...(Y/N) dear please go to your room, and try and get into you know who's account...

Glitch: Oooo Okay! *Walks upstairs* This'll be fun...

Siri: Also Hiro is in your room (Y/N)!

Glitch: Got it Siri! *Goes into his room and shuts the door*

Nezu: Wait you let him do that?

Siri: Yeah?

Nezu: That's such bad parenting! You need to teach him that hacking is wron-

*Siri picks Nezu up by his shirt collar* You talk shit about my parenting skills again and I will hurt you

Nezu: I-Yes ma'am sorry...

*Siri puts him down* Mhm, now why do you wanna talk to me?

Nezu: Well we were thinking that (Y/N) could join U.A? More specifically class 1.A

Siri: Hm...depends, I wanna get to know the person teaching that class and you, the principal

Nezu: Yes ma'am, do you mind if the other heroes that came explore your house?

Siri: Nope, just don't break anything, don't go into any locked doors, and don't go into me or (Y/N)'s room

Nezu: Well you guys heard her, go ahead and look around while me and Aizawa talk to her

All the hero's minus Aizawa: Okay!

-With the heroes-

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