What's that quirk? (Chapter 4)

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Chapter 4! Jesus I'm updating a lot...
Have fun with this chapter!~ Also
(Y/N) has the ability to talk but if he has the choice to not talk he'll take it, also imagine above isn't mine!


Aizawa: Okay kid, Is there anyone I can contact? Like your father?

Glitch: My fathers dead

Aizawa: Oh...sorry, but what about your mother?

Glitch: Do you want my real mother?

Aizawa: Uh Obviously

Glitch: She's dead, you call my adoptive mother though

Aizawa: Okay, what's her number?

Glitch: That's kinda sus you know? Asking for my mothers number, you trying to hit on her?

Aizawa: Kid I need you to be serious, and no I wanna tell her you'll be home late

Glitch: Mkay, she won't care but whatever

Aizawa: Okay well what's your name and her number?

Glitch: My names (Y/N) (L/N) and her number is ***-***-****

Aizawa: Thank you *Calls the number*

*Siri picks up* Hello?

Aizawa: Hello is this (Y/N) (L/N)'s mother?

Siri: Yeah? Why are you calling me?

Aizawa: Well he's gonna be coming home late, he's under investigation for an undercover case going on

Siri: That's sus, but mkay, just tell him I'm taking his Boba

Aizawa: Y-You don't care?

Siri: No? He can defend himself, he's been through so much I really don't worry about him anymore

Aizawa: O-Oh okay, well thank you for understanding, if we call you to pick him up we'll be at U.A

Siri: Mhm, now don't call me again I need to charge

Aizawa: Yes Ma'am *Hangs up*

Glitch: So?

Aizawa: She understands and she also said she's taking your Boba away

Glitch: What!? Noooo not my Boba!

Aizawa: Okay come on kid, lets go

Glitch: Whatever...

-At U.A in Nezu's office with the chief of police-

Chief(I don't remember his name): So, you're 99% sure this guy is "Glitch_?"

Aizawa: Mhm

Nezu: Well we can interrogate him with the help of Hitoshi?

*Midnight looks at Glitch* Aweee he's so cute!~  *Licks her lips*

Glitch: mm...

Hawks: He is! *Ruffles Glitch's curly/fluffy/straight/etc. hair*

*Glitch groans annoyed* Can you stop!? I can beat all of your asses in a second!

All might: HA HA HA! Your a kid you can't do that!

Glitch: Bet

*Aizawa uses his quirk* Someone get Hitoshi in here already...

Present Mic: I'll go get him! *Leaves*

Aizawa: (Y/N) please stop trying to use your quirk...

Nezu: This'll be a long day...

Mt. Lady: But that's the fun part!~

Mudnight: Yep!~

-After shinsou gets there with Mic-

Shinsou: I'm interrogating this kid?

Glitch: I'M 16!

Aizawa: Mhm...

Shinsou: Well anyways, hello (Y/N)


Shinsou: Why aren't you saying Hi back?


Shinsou: Does he know my Quirk?

Aizawa: No, unless it's part of his quirk but I'm canceling it...

Mic: Here wait, hey glitch what's your quirk?

Glitch: Electronic Manipulation

Mic: Uhh...what's that?

*Glitch sighs* Let me use it and I'll show you...

*Aizawa disables his quirk letting Glitch use his*

*Glitch stands up and summons a screen from his hands and it brings up a document on his quirk*

Everyone minus glitch: Woah...

-End of chapter-

That's it for this chapter! Sorry if it was short, and the next chapter will pretty much be a quirk description so it is important! Thanks for reading! Also below is everything the hero's know about (Y/N) and this will be updated again next chapter! Yuki signing out!💜

Name: (Y/N) (L/N)

Age: 16

Height: Confirmed 5'7 (You may change)

Sex: Male

Pronouns: He/They(You may change)

Status: Assuming Student

Aliases: Glitch_

Quirk: Electronic Manipulation
Quirk description: ??

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