Off To U.A...(Chapter 16)

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Chapter 16, enjoy!

(F/n) = Your first name

3rd POV

It was the next day, (Y/n) and Hiro were wondering what would happen with their old school since they got dragged into this, Hiro decided to ask at the Breakfast table

Hiro: Uhm...

Mic: Go ahead kid, whatcha need?

Hiro: Uh...Since me and (N/n) were at a school and we got kinda dragged into U.A what's gonna happen with our old school?

Aizawa: Hm...We'll take your report cards and review them, we'll get you transferred to U.A, If you passed, and that's it, I'm pretty sure

Hiro: oh..Okay then, that's kinda stupid but whatever..

(Y/n): That's stupid and honestly kinda a bitchy move

Aizawa: How so?

Mic: Now Now guys...

(Y/n): Well your
1) dragging a child out of a school against their will
2) People could be paying extreme money for that school and your just taking them out of it
3) We go to a private school for the mentally ill, So that's a big thing

Aizawa: The school you went to wasn't a private school, it was a public school and it wasn't for the mentally ill

(Y/n): Everyone their had a mental disorder, or multiple of them, there were therapy sessions 3 times a week, and we had 3 extra classes to learn about certain disorders, especially our own

Aizawa: What disorders do you have? Your fine, so are you Hiro.

(Y/n): I have Kakenagi, and depression

Hiro: I have anxiety, depression and Adhd

Aizawa: Your just faking it, have you gotten a medical diagnosis?

Hiro: Yes

(Y/n): Yes

Aizawa: Let me see then

(Y/n) and Hiro: Were not showing you our health papers, dumbass

Aizawa: you little-


Hiro and (Y/n) immediately cover their ears and hold their head down hating the loud noise while Aizawa just flinches a tiny bit since he's used to this

Mic: (F/n). Bell. Behave. And you have 20 minutes to get ready to go to U.A, So hurry up.


Hiro got up and walked away quickly up to his room

(Y/n): If you ever scream at Hiro again I will kill you, and i mean that shit

(Y/n) follows Hiro to his room to comfort him


Aizawa: Don't feel guilty Hizashi, they deserved it



Hiro and (Y/n) were giggling in the backseat while Aizawa and Mic drove them to U.A

Hiro: Ahh~

(Y/n): N-Nghh daddy!~

Aizawa: what are you two doing back there!?

Hiro: Nothin-AH!~

Aizawa and Mic both turn around to see Hiro and (Y/n) fake moaning

Hiro: Uh-Hi?

(Y/n): Do you need something?

Mic: stop fake moaning it's weird

Aizawa nods in agreement as they both turn back to look at the road

(Y/n):...F-Fuck!~ Ahh~

Hiro: Ahhh~

Mic and Aizawa felt very uncomfortable for the rest of the car ride


Aizawa pulled the two teens to the teachers lounge so they weren't left alone in the dorms

Hiro: Ahhhhhhhhhahahaha

(Y/n): You sound like a broken radio Hiro, Just fuckin "Ahhhhhhhhhhhh" like-

Hiro: Bitch-

Aizawa: Were here

Aizawa shoves them into the teachers lounge and leaves to go teach 1.A

Midnight: ah~ Hello boys..

Hiro: Ew pedophile

Midnight: I-

(Y/n): Hiro nO-


All might: Good Morning Hizashi

Mic: Morning All might!

Hiro sees Mic and immediately hides himself in (Y/n)'s side

(Y/n): Hiro why are yo-Oh...I get it nevermind

Mic sees Hiro and (Y/n) then glares at them annoyed

Hiro just hides himself more whimpering while (Y/n) pets his head gently

Mic: Hiro, what's wrong?

(Y/n): He doesn't like you anymore

Mic: Why not?

(Y/n): Because you yelled at him, he doesn't like being yelled because of his trauma and backstory, it's the same with me but I'm not as fazed

Mic: Oh..

(Y/n): Dumbass..

(Y/n) grabbed some earbuds and put them in Hiro's ears and connected them to his phone then started to play some music for Hiro to calm him down

Midnight: Don't disrespect your elders (Y/n)

(Y/n): Your a whore anyways, stupid bitch

Midnight: I-...

Nezu: (Y/n)! That is highly inappropriate do not call midnight that!

(Y/n): What are you gonna do? Expell me? I don't even wanna be here

Nezu: I'll-...Ugh just get out and go find Aizawa!

(Y/n) shrugs up picks Hiro up "Gladly~" he then walks out of the teachers lounge and walks around to find clasa 1.A, where Aizawa is


_/\_End Of Chapter_/\_

That's the end of chapter 16! Thank you for reading and I apologize if it was to short/to long!

Kira signing out!💜

Fun Fact: My favorite Number is Zero (0)

Art above credits: Offical art from My Hero Academia anime

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