What a quirk!... (Chapter 5)

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The art above is not mine! Also a little blood is mentioned, but i'll put a small warning since it's barely mentioned


Everyone minus glitch: Woah...

Glitch: Mhm...

Shinsou: I've never heard of or seen this quirk before...

Nezu: Me too

Midnight: It sounds so interesting!

Glitch: It's really not...I have a lot of drawbacks...

Hawks: That are?

Glitch: Read this page of my quirk...

*Glitch pulls a page up explaining all his drawbacks*


•If the user doesn't drink a specific drink in the Morning they could die, that's it (Specific drink is boba)

•If the user uses the quirk to much they could also die, a way to prevent this is make sure to drink lots of boba or energy drinks

•If the user uses there quirk for bad they are punished depending on what they did

Midnight: Are you being punished for anything (Y/N)?

Glitch: Mhm

Hawks: For what?

Glitch: I've hacked into hero and villains bank accounts and used their money to buy things, right now I'm using All For Ones bank account

Nezu: I-Well what's the punishment your facing?

Glitch: Insomnia

Mic: Oh, that sucks!

Glitch: Mhm, But anyways why am I here?

*Nezu holds the note up* Did you leave this here?

Glitch: Uh yeah?

Aizawa: New it

Cheif: Well can you explain more of your quirk? Like what it's strong and weak against?

Glitch: Here I'll give you all a digital paper and you can read it...

*Glitch gives them all a digital paper*
Glitch: Here's my quirk completely explained

(This part is long but this is Your quirk)

Quirk name: Electronic Manipulation

Age quirk can start developing: From birth - 4 years old

Pain level of quirk: 3/10
If used to much: 10/10

What quirk death can feel like(Also this description was written by (Y/N): I-It's not fun...it feels like your slowly drowning while being choked by a loved one...a-and your head starts pounding after an hour...Then it gets harder to breathe till you pass out and you have about 15 minutes till you die...

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