Announcing "Glitch" (Chapter 2)

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The art in this chapter (The one up top and another in this chapter) are both mine, please don't steal!

"Who's Glitch?"

Nezu: I'm not sure but this means someone broke in without triggering the alarms which is a problem...

Aizawa: Well obviously, we need to get all might involved

Hawks: What if we try and communicate with this person? They'll probably come back so if we leave a note for them, they might respond!

Endeavor: Wow the first smart thing you've said in a week hawks

Hawks: Heyyyy! Rude Enji...

Endeavour: Don't call me that

Nezu: I like your Idea Hawks, but for the students safety we should probably tell them...and other pros

Midnight: Are we gonna announce this to the public?

Nezu: No

Present Mic: What!? Why?

Nezu: It's not safe and If we're the only ones that know it keeps the public from worrying

Aizawa: You have a point...

Mt. Lady: Well come on! Tell us how we're gonna announce it!

Nezu: Okay so-

-After the meeting in class 1.A after Aizawa came back-

Everyone: Sir is everything okay?

Aizawa: Yes now mina stop trying to kill mineta, denki and sero stop playing music and dancing, Bakugou stop trying to kill Problem child, and Todoroki stop eating soba

-After everyone sat down and Aizawa got back infront of the class-

Aizawa: Okay later today we're going down to the cafeteria because Principal Nezu has an Announcement for all the students, including 2nd and 3rd years, Okay?

Everyone: Yes sensei!

Aizawa: Good, now back to the lesson...

-Halfway through class-

Announcements/Present Mic: Can the first years please go down to the cafeteria, I repeat, can the first years come down to the cafeteria, Thank you!

-After everyone gets down the the cafeteria(Sorry for all the timeskips)-

Nezu: Thank you first years for getting here so quickly and calmly, but I have an important Announcement to make that you are not aloud to tell anyone that isn't a pro hero that works here, besides hawks and mt. Lady, and endeavour.

Nezu: There was a break in...

Everyone: WHAT!?

Nezu: I know I know, don't freak out! Nothing was stolen or broken, but we were left a note *Shows the note on a big T.V screen*

Nezu: And were trying to find this Glitch person but we wanted to tell the students and other pro heroes so we can make sure you all are safe!

*Deku raises his hand*

Nezu: Go ahead Midoriya

Deku: So do we have any leads on this person or just the note?

Midnight: Sadly just the note, but good question Midoriya! *Licks lips*

*Midoriya blushes and sits back down*

Nezu: But we are just saying, be carful everyone

*Bakugou stands up* Hah! You think some extra can scare me!?

Nezu: Katsuki this person broke into U.A without setting any alarms off...

*Bakugou pauses then sits down and mumbles "Stupid Extras.."*

Nezu: Anyways, Make sure to keep track of your things and keep yourself and each other safe!

Everyone: Yes sir!/Mhm/Whatever/Any other responses

-After all classes in the 1.A dorms-

Iida: Does everyone have there belongings and nothing has been stolen?!

Everyone: Yes Iida!

Iida: Jiro you didn't say anything, is something of yours missing?

Jiro: My earphones are missing! And it's not my normal ones it's my special ones...

Iida: Well what did they look like?

Jiro: They were just purple with "Earphone jack" engraved in it...

Mina: Don't worry Jiro! We'll find them!

Jiro: O-Okay...

-Meanwhile with giltch...(Also I decided that glitches skin tone will be white, and not like the pale white I mean like snow white)-

Glitch's mind: They saw my letter! Yes!

Glitch's mind: They saw my letter! Yes!

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-End Of chapter-

Hello reader, Yuki here!
As I had just said I decided that Glitches skin will be that deadly white, but you may change that or any colors in that image because that is you! And if you look closely you can see Jiro's headphones if you didn't see that or catch on that Glitch stole them!
And that image of Glitch is mine so once again, please don't steal it
I hope you enjoyed this chapter reader and I'm not sure when I'll update but It'll be at some point!
Yuki signing out!

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