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[ Sierra Pictured Above ]
I sent her back to her cold jail cell, not even glancing back at her desperate face.

I walked down the halls, pushing my hands thorough my hair angrily,but I was mostly confused. Confused about Gwen, what I was doing with her, what she was doing with me, what my feelings were for her,& more importantly, her feelings for me. The monster she saw a sliver of gentle in, but not enough to break me. No never. I will never give into the one inside me who tells me I am gentle,for I am not.

Never shall I become of it.

The lady at the front desk opened her mouth to protest that what I was doing was highly restricted, but my glare stopped her dead cold, & she instantly shut her ridged jaw.
What can I say, must be the Bradley "family charm."

I pushed the elevator button. A few seconds later, the rickety door opened, there in the elevator stood Madison Ferg, a girl I had gotten to know over the last few weeks. She had blonde hair, & beautiful blue eyes.

"You," She said, flinging both arms around me, "always great to see yah"

I stood there stiff-like, giving her the vibe of pure bad boy insecurity, & she backed off almost immediately.

"Good to see you too baby," I said, giving her a wink that made her double over with laughter. Why was it so easy to make girls laugh?? Just my brilliant charm, I thought.

I stepped on, & the old doors took a moment, before they sputtered to life, & closed.

We started to slowly escalate down.
" Nreaking the rules again," she asked, raising an eyebrow.

I nodded,smirking.

She was referring to me leaving my designated area. For the first month or so, I was only supposed to be allowed in the bedroom & waiting room, other rooms were strictly off limits. The punishment could be getting kicked out of here, but no one ever said no to Zane Bradley, & no one ever will.

I doors opened up to a room with pool, ping pong, & other assorted recreational activities. I spotted my best friend, Evan, intrigued by a pinball machine that made irrational "zing" &"pang" sounds.
I waved bye to Madison, as she went over to join in on her friends game of pool. I headed over to Evan.

I tapped him on the shoulder,"Guess who?" I said.

"Game Over"

He turned around punching me in the shoulder, "You made me loose dickhead."

I laughed patting him on the back.

He had a gentle-like face, but hard black eyes that matched his black mohawk.

"Whatever, I'm here now, so it doesn't matter."

He rolled his eyes,"About that" he said staring me straight up, " Your gonna get yourself kicked out. I promised I'd visit soon. Didn't I?"

"Not soon enough brother,"I said leaning against the wall.

He squinted at me.


"Nothing just," he paused,as if recollecting his thoughts, "You looked troubled man, what's on your mind bro."

I smiled, Evan knew me so well, he knew how to cheer me up, how to get on my nerves, & how even though I was smiling, he could see through me.

I sighed, folding my arms, "Do you really want to know?"

He nodded.

"Lady trouble."

He started laughing, almost knocking himself over.

' Wait to make me feel better Evan. Thanks for the support.'

Once he finally pulled himself together he began to speak,"You? Lady troubles?" he shook his head, " Zane, your the sexiest demon out there, Madison if surely falling head over heels for you."

I shook my head,"It's not Madison."

"Then who's the chick?"

"It's the mortal girl."

He looked confused, like he was solving a mystery, "You're trying to hook up with her!?"

I chuckled, "Not in a million years," I sighed, "It's just, she cries a lot, makes it uncomfortable for bloodsucking you know?"

Evan nodded, " I know how it is, those mortal are all pity, can't even try to stop crying, you have to take control, show her that messing with a demon like you, could mean the end of her! You know what I'm saying?"

I nodded smiling.

I did get what he meant. Gwen was pitying herself more than ever, if I didn't take charge then this whole thing would be pointless. I was going to show her who was in charge. who had all the power. I did.

" Zane Bradley!!"

I whirled around to see my grumpy older sister staring there, looking quite unpleased.

"Hello Sierra" I said, rolling my eyes.

"Your coming with me," & with that she grabbed a fistful of my shirt, & practically dragged me out with her.

Evan gave me a "I told you so" look, then mouthed the words " take charge"

I nodded giving him a salute.

"Cmon," Sierra grunted.

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