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I heard footsteps coming. Whoever this was, it wasn't going to end well for then. They stoped into of my cell.

I looked up, expecting to see Johanna's sick twisted smile, but instead there was a nervous looking Zane, scratching the back of his head. He turned to me.

" can we maybe can I...," he sighed," I think we should talk.

I nodded, and the minute I got out I couldn't contain myself.

He was a liar.




And I needed to give him a piece of me.

I lunged at him, knocking him square in the chest, so he tripped backwards and fell on the floor. I could hear Gwen bang across the door to her cell, looking between the bars, pleading me to stop. She didn't get it, he took her away from me. I could have had her. Been happy,then he stole it away from me.

I hit him in the nose, blood spraying he floor, then continued to punch him in the face. Blood was getting all over me, but I didn't care. I only wanted to break him.

He took me by surprise, suddenly pushing me to the floor. Before I could even think, he pinned me, and started to choke my neck.

" D-do'nt d-do t-this," I choked, fearing for my life.

His eyes turned black, no longer human, and his grip on my windpipe got stronger. I gasped for air, knowing I would.d soon die. Luckily we were both pulled away from each other. I looked up to see, a panting Johanna by my side, and a ticked off Sierra by Zane's side.

" you idiot, couldn't you control your loser for a while, he nearly killed my brother!"

" so this is his fault," she said pointing to me, she shook her head," I think Zane takes the blame on this, he nearly killed Leon!"

Sierra hissed at Johanna, baring her fangs.Johanna mimicked Sierra, and they stood, in a death stare off.

Zane looked over at me. I gave him a death glare, and he automatically
Ly turned away. It was silent for a fees moments, only. The sound of vicious panting could be heard.

" stop it," Gwen's voice broke in," neither of them was the blame, just get them away from each other so they can't fight anymore!"

All 4 pairs of eyes looked at her, then Sierra turned to Johanna, and they nodded, each dragging us in a different direction. I followed Johanna, but instead of turning out normal left, she kept going straight.

We walked a few montes, till curiosity overcame me.

" where are we heading?"

"To see your sister," she said flatly.

I smiled. We were going to visit my little sister Cameron. Oh how I loved her, I missed seeing her like usual, and this would be the 3rd time I'd see her since we first got here. She was so young, I wish neither of us had to go through this. I was tertcherous, and I can't imagine what I'd be like for her now.

She must be so damaged.


She streets to climb up a flight of stairs. It was interesting, a place I'd never Ben before. Most the hallways looked the same, but the stairways gave me a new perspective. Maybe even a better tactic of escaping. This time I'd do it with Cameron.

I started to climb the stairs. Apparently it was too slow of a pace for Johanna, cause she grabbed my hand, and started pulling me, practically ripping my hand off.

We climbed 3 more flights, which I supposed meant we were on the fourth floor, but if didn't really know what floor we started on, I supposed it was the first floor.

We kept walking for another 13 minutes.

"Damn this place is huge, better for the people trying to keep us from escaping"

I wonder if other kids try to escape, ot if Gwen and I were the first. Maybe we were the first who could even try to escape.

But we failed.


We walked into a room, Johanna close behind me, the light was flickering slowly, as if to test someone's patients, and at the far end there laced a skinny girl, barley recognizable to me.


I ran to her, sobbing at her feet, and shaking to awake her. Her eyelids opened, and she smiled when she saw me.

" Leon?"

" I'm here for ya Cameron, it's gonna be fine!"

" I can't believe they did this, she said looking down slowly at her rib cage, practically poking at the skin," starved me for days, for no reason or cause."

In that moment, my heart broke for her. The once sweet healthy creative little girl I knew as my sister, now looked lifeless and sad, as the monsters had drained the life from her. I can't believe I let it happen. To someone I love. That I should have cared for. I was responsible. I was weak.

" Can we go?Go back home."

My heart sunk. She really didn't know. She thought it was a dream. My sweet sister.cameron, even now didn't know this was a dream. By the time she'd realize, she'd probably be dead.

" Leon,let's go," so Johanna, turning to leave.

I gave Cameron one last kiss on the head, unsure if this was the last time I would see her. She was dying. I couldn't help. I didn't know how,besides, no one would let me help. I know these monsters. They just wouldn't.

I walked to the door, slowly turning back to see Cameron, already fast asleep. She was always a good girl. I turned and walked to Johanna.

She was going to die.

I was supposed to die too.

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